Cheney opens up to the media...

river rat

This whole Cheney incident just goes to show that rich bastages should leave the hunting to the po folks.
Looks like the guy he plugged had a few dollars too.
do they really need to go into the woods to provide???

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Dear river rat...

river rat said:
This whole Cheney incident just goes to show that rich bastages should leave the hunting to the po folks.
Looks like the guy he plugged had a few dollars too.
do they really need to go into the woods to provide???

They were not hunting to 'provide' anything but entertainment, camaraderie and relaxation; being out in the fresh air, a little exercise, enjoy the beauty of nature and blow it out of the sky.

You object?

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Point taken...

vraiblonde said:
But YOU have all 10. So obviously you had a better shop teacher than your shop teacher had. :I'mbrilliant:

Dear Mr. Kalie,

I would to thank you for leading me, by example, to a future with 10 fingers.



(He called us all 'dodo's' as in dodo bird)


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Larry Gude said:
...teacher only had 9 1/2 fingers.
Mine too! Eerie isn't it?

I once had a teacher named Luther Lohr
I said, "slap me five, he slapped me four." :lmao:


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
(He called us all 'dodo's' as in dodo bird)
"Quit screwin' around!"

My Driver's Ed teacher used to call us all "rummy" because he said he wasn't allowed to call us "dummy". :lol:


This is fun right?


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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
ylexot said:
Of course. The news business is all about one-ups-man-ship. I got the story before you or instead of you.

Fox has been treating conservative issues fairly; which seems like favoritism to the kool aid drinking liberals. The "mainstream" media has not done the same. The CBS, CNN, ABC, NBC, APF and others of the same ilk have proved they are rabid liberals. If you were a conservative, where would you go?

Fox News just thumbed their nose at the main streamers and Rupert Murdock is loving it.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
How did you remember that!?!?!?!!?

vraiblonde said:
"Quit screwin' around!"

My Driver's Ed teacher used to call us all "rummy" because he said he wasn't allowed to call us "dummy". :lol:

"Alright you dodo's, no more screwing around..."


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Anyone else hear the song Cheney's Got a Gun (Aerosmith) on the radio yet? :killingme

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Not yet...

...but I'm working on a remake of "I shot the sheriff..."

If only I can find a word that rhymes with sheriff...


* * * * * * * * *
Staff member
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
If only I can find a word that rhymes with sheriff...

Words and phrases that rhyme with sheriff: (4 results)

2 syllables:
sherriff, tariff

5 syllables:
protective tariff, revenue tariff

Words that end in *iff

1. aiff
2. bailiff
3. biff
4. bullmastiff
5. bumbailiff
6. caitiff
7. cardiff
8. cliff
9. diff
10. griff
11. hippogriff
12. iff
13. mastiff
14. midriff
15. miff
16. niff
17. plaintiff
18. pontiff
19. quiff
20. radcliff
21. riff
22. sheriff
23. skiff
24. sniff
25. spiff
26. spliff
27. stiff
28. tariff
29. tiff
30. undercliff
31. undersheriff
32. whiff*iff&scwo=1&sswo=1

Larry Gude

Strung Out
OK, ok, ok....

How's this?

"I shot the plaintifffffff....s lawyer...but I did not shoot John F. Kerry..."

Reggae, kinda catchy, huh, huh, possible?