Cheney opens up to the media...


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Staff member
PREMO Member
How about...

I shot him in the midriff while aiming for the hippogriff...

Maybe you can work that in. :shrug:

jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
How's this?

"I shot the plaintifffffff....s lawyer...but I did not shoot John F. Kerry..."

Reggae, kinda catchy, huh, huh, possible?

Umm.............NO. :boo:


Dancing Up A Storm
It's really sad when the news media is banking Whittington to die..........

"Harry Whittington, who was shot by Vice President Dick Cheney in a weekend hunting accident, is expected to fully recover.

But that hasn't stopped the national media from commencing a death watch for the 78-year-old Texas lawyer. Salivating over the prospect that Whittington's demise could mean legal problems for Cheney, reporters could barely contain their anticipation."


New Member
Sharon said:
Anyone else hear the song Cheney's Got a Gun (Aerosmith) on the radio yet? :killingme

I was looking up the lyrics and found this. Should've figured the Bob Rivers group would come up with this!

Cheney's Got a Gun
(A Parody of Aerosmith’s “Janie’s Got a Gun")
Produced by The Bob Rivers Show

Dick Cheney’s got a gun
Dick Cheney’s got a gun
The safety’s come undone
He’s squintin’ in the Texas sun
What did our leader do?
Who’d he put a bullet through?

They said when Cheney goes To Texas
You’ll find him huntin’ fish and game
His buddy had it comin’
Cuz when Cheney’s got a gun
He’s just not that good at takin’ aim

Cheney’s got a gun
Dick Cheney’s shot someone
Cindy Sheehan better run
Better watch her liberal buns
Tell him that the war’s not through
He’ll probably put a hole in you

He tracked a little bitty birdy
Hopin’ to blow out its brains
They say the spell that he gets under
From double barrel thunder
Makes his eyes pop out like he’s insane

Run away, run away from the Vice President
Run away, run away, run from Dick Che-ee-ay-ee-nee

Dick Cheney’s got a gun
Cindy Sheehan better run
He a weapon of mass destruction

Here's the video of it:


Super Genius
Get ready for another week of coverage of this non-story!
On CNN's RELIABLE SOURCES, WASHINGTON POST reporter Dana Milbank fretted that the White House is exploiting the public's growing disdain for the mainstream media. "Of course they succeed,” Milbank said of Bush aides. “The press always looks awful. They will once again make us look awful.”
Ok, let's assume that Dana is correct. Who's the stupid one...the ones who take advantage or the ones who continually get taken advantage of? Essentially, she's admitting being repeatedly duped. :dork:


This Space for Rent
All the Sunday talk shows had this as a main topic this morning. They were beating on Cheney the whole time. They are now trying to talk about how Cheney acted against Bush and how come Bush can't keep Cheney in line... :rolleyes:


Super Genius
FromTexas said:
All the Sunday talk shows had this as a main topic this morning. They were beating on Cheney the whole time. They are now trying to talk about how Cheney acted against Bush and how come Bush can't keep Cheney in line... :rolleyes:
I think Bush is like most of America...he's glad Whittington is ok, understands that it was an accident, and otherwise doesn't care.


Dancing Up A Storm
I saw the Tim Russert show; he was exploring the possibility of VP Cheney being drunk, while out there blasting quail.

I think Mary Maitlan(sp?) Carville's wife, put that to rest rather nicely with her take of it all.

Do you really think, if Cheney had too much to drink at lunch, that the Secret Service guys would have let him near a shotgun??

Get a grip folks.


Dancing Up A Storm
FromTexas said:
All the Sunday talk shows had this as a main topic this morning. They were beating on Cheney the whole time. They are now trying to talk about how Cheney acted against Bush and how come Bush can't keep Cheney in line... :rolleyes:
You and the rest of us know, that the liberal qwacks(sp?) are going to try every angle, even the looniest of them, to dis this administration.

If they can drive an imaginary wedge between the VP and the Pres, well hell, why not?