Chesapeake Ranch Estates/ Calvert Shores


Active Member
Surfed through here. Seems like this idea has died. Nothing here for the
past 10 years. Somethings always just stay the same.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

You are quite a jacka** arent you.

What business is this of yours and why would you post it in public. How sick

Hey dick wad. That was nearly a decade ago. I've since changed my demeanor. You can ask anyone here. Though still I can come off now and again as crude and insufferable, I do try to avoid the mistakes of my past and have calmed way down.

Now please, do go and rightly fu*k off.


Active Member
Yup. like I said ... same old, same old. Just thought there might
have been some sort of progress. Why (and how) did the County
Commissioners stop it? I thought this was something that was to
be dealt with at the State level. Or did the people living down there
decide to stop it and petition all the levels of government?

Or maybe it was public conduct like this here that gave the government
pause to act on it? Sort of sad. That area needs organization and
oversight to get better services there.


Honorary SMIB
Yup. like I said ... same old, same old. Just thought there might have been some sort of progress. Why (and how) did the County Commissioners stop it? I thought this was something that was to be dealt with at the State level. Or did the people living down there decide to stop it and petition all the levels of government? Or maybe it was public conduct like this here that gave the government pause to act on it? Sort of sad. That area needs organization and oversight to get better services there.
The Commissioners, by State law governing the incorporation of new municipalities, have to approve both the formation, the referendum that sets it up, the municipal boundaries plus a couple other items. They just didn't approve it.

The fact is that they were looking at losing some County property taxes if the Ranch Club became a municipality due to the Tax Differential given Towns that knocks the County tax rate down to compensate the Towns for services it provides rather than the County (law enforcement (the Beaches have their own Sheriff's detachment for which they pay close to $2M/year to the County to have) , plowing, street repair, streetlights, etc.). EDIT: the County tax doesn't go away in the municipalities it's just decreased by, if I remember, about $0.35/100. The Ranch Club really gets screwed on all of those because their dues don't come close to covering what they need and the County won't go in because it's a private community. Yes, incorporating would cause the property owners to have a higher tax bill but they would have the money, and the ability to secure bonding, to fix some of the decades long problems like roads.
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If I may ...
For your consideration ...

The fact is that they were looking at losing some County property taxes if the Ranch Club became a municipality due to the Tax Differential given Towns that knocks the County tax rate down to compensate the Towns for services it provides rather than the County (law enforcement (the Beaches have their own Sheriff's detachment for which they pay close to $2M/year to the County to have) , plowing, street repair, streetlights, etc.). EDIT: the County tax doesn't go away in the municipalities it's just decreased by, if I remember, about $0.35/100. The Ranch Club really gets screwed on all of those because their dues don't come close to covering what they need and the County won't go in because it's a private community. Yes, incorporating would cause the property owners to have a hive tax bill but they would have the money, and the ability to secure bonding, to fix some of the decades long problems like roads.

For what they have to deal with, and their limited funds, they are far ahead of the County when it comes to road repairs and resurfacing. Just read that St. Mary's County is gonna pave near 30 miles of roads for only $3,494,300. Now why in the hell can't Calvert County get our shitty roads paved/resurfaced? With all the money the County has received over the years from Dominion, all County roads should be in pristine condition.


Honorary SMIB
For your consideration ...

For what they have to deal with, and their limited funds, they are far ahead of the County when it comes to road repairs and resurfacing. Just read that St. Mary's County is gonna pave near 30 miles of roads for only $3,494,300. Now why in the hell can't Calvert County get our shitty roads paved/resurfaced? With all the money the County has received over the years from Dominion, all County roads should be in pristine condition.
I have no idea, I never paid much attention to County stuff except when it impacted the Towns and didn't give a crap if it just affected Chesapeake Beach.
I'd tell you ask Commissioner Hart but, well,..............never mind.


Well-Known Member
Fancy that.... It's been 10 years. Wow....

The "ladies" in the neighborhood are asking for volunteers. Hm.... I'd rather crochet now....

The Oncologist I visited the other day says I have conquered the Cancer. I'm one of about 2%.

I started to type "no poop!!" after that 2%.... but then I decided it would be better to put it here for a chuckle.

Anyway... CRE is still CRE I assume. I really love that place.

Oh and some who know me will get a real kick out of this.... I have to use bottled water in the coffee pot because the tap water is too hard!

Lightly Roasted thanks.... I'm really healthy.... Yay!! I hope you are as well!!!



If I may ...
For your consideration ...

Fancy that.... It's been 10 years. Wow....

The "ladies" in the neighborhood are asking for volunteers. Hm.... I'd rather crochet now....

The Oncologist I visited the other day says I have conquered the Cancer. I'm one of about 2%.

I started to type "no poop!!" after that 2%.... but then I decided it would be better to put it here for a chuckle.

Anyway... CRE is still CRE I assume. I really love that place.

Oh and some who know me will get a real kick out of this.... I have to use bottled water in the coffee pot because the tap water is too hard!

Lightly Roasted thanks.... I'm really healthy.... Yay!! I hope you are as well!!!


Happy to hear you are healthy. :starcat: Yup. I have found that using bottled water from the very first day of getting a coffee maker, nowadays also a duel hot water maker, is to use only a quality bottled water. Deer park in my case. Have a coffee maker that is now several years old and have never run a cleaner/vinegar through it yet. Still works like new.


If I may ...
For your consideration ...

That’s was still a sick move. That should have been said in a private message rather than publicly.

Ya know, as been said, that was a long time ago. A different me. Therapy does help. Shoulda, woulda, coulda. I could go and simply delete those postings, but then, no one would see the changes I've made in my life. That's not to say I still don't have strong opinions about things. But I have toned the negative rhetoric down considerably. Now, when people put me on ignore because of what I say they do so simply because they want an echo chamber for their own opinions on subject matter, or somehow feel butt hurt because ..... fwwellings.

However your opinion has been noted.


Honorary SMIB
For your consideration ...

Hey dick wad. That was nearly a decade ago. I've since changed my demeanor. You can ask anyone here. Though still I can come off now and again as crude and insufferable, I do try to avoid the mistakes of my past and have calmed way down.

Now please, do go and rightly fu*k off.
Yes, you have mellowed a bit.