Child psychiatrist in St. Mary's?


New Member
We need to find a psychiatrist for our daughter here in St. Mary's. We went to one in Clinton but that is so far to drive monthly. Our daughter has ADHD and OCD and needs meds to help with it. It would be nice to see someone locally for meds and annual check ups.

Could someone recommend one? I can't even find one in our yellow pages book!

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
call one from the phone book and ask who they recommend? Or ask your general doctor who they recommend?


A lot of times it can be what the child is eating. We found this true with our son. We started researching causes of behavior problems, ADD/ADHD, etc... and found Feingold. We started the diet and on day 4, we saw a totally different child! It was amazing!!! I remember it like yesterday (it was last summer), we went to the Calvert Marine Museum and I was thinking and remembering what that is usually like (me chasing him around at the age of 4). I really thought it was a bad idea, but we said we were going to go. He was a totally different kid! We stuck with it for awhile, but found him to have many food allergies, so have moved beyond Feingold to help his allergies. It was truely amazing! Oh by the way, depending on how old your child is, you might want to check his/her vision. We found this to be a large causes of learning problems with him. He now can see and learn! Good luck!


Also wanted to share, you might want to get a strep test for her. Strep can cause PANDAS. It's a Neurolgical Disorder caused by the Strep infection, just like Rheumatic Fever and Scarlet Fever. My 5 year old had it. It's very sad, but very treatable if you find the right doctor. If you're on FB, google the PANDAS group and get added in. You might just find that this could be the cause. Don't just do the strep swab, ask for her titers to be tested through bloodwork. From what I know, even if the swab and titers are negative, she could still have it. See if your doctor can prescribe an antibiotic and see if that helps. Good luck!


Luvin Life !!!
We need to find a psychiatrist for our daughter here in St. Mary's. We went to one in Clinton but that is so far to drive monthly. Our daughter has ADHD and OCD and needs meds to help with it. It would be nice to see someone locally for meds and annual check ups.

Could someone recommend one? I can't even find one in our yellow pages book!

Thank you!

Be-lite medical center on rt 5 on the right across from shahs building. Sees patients on Saturdays three weeks per month and one Sunday a month as well. Dr. O is a dr who is an army colonel still active duty who practices on the outside.