Since JPC has a habit of not answering honest questions, yet gets upset when he is credited with no or little respect, I will post these questions here also, since this is the last place he was seen.
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Originally Posted by
JPC, Sr.

The Editorial section of the Enterprise is a great place to write people's opinions. The Editor does not print any childish name calling trash though, FYI. Also that is putting one's name out into the public areana and so think about it before doing it.
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Even without the terms of passion that you choose to refer to as (childish name calling trash) do you think that any person in their sane mind is going to see things the way you do?
I will say this for you though, If you take your misguided thoughts to some of the lower income Baltimore city areas, you might be able to get enough support to actually win a position of some sort there.
I really doubt that you will recieve any more votes than you have friends voting for you.
<table border="0" cellpadding="6" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset ;"> Originally Posted by
JPC, Sr.
I have written a number of Editorials over the years and I am a candidate for public office because I am confident that I can stand the public response to my campaign and to my platform.
</td> </tr> </tbody></table>
I have written a few Editorials myself over the years, I hold a higher degree from ODU, Have worked in upper management and currently own my own business,,, yet, I dont think that I am a good choice for a public office because I know I would try to push certain policies that I would like to see, verses what would actaully be good for the general public.
The difference between My wanting to run and Your actually running is no more complicated that my ability to admit that I am not what is needed in any public office.
What is it about you that makes things different? Why are you a good choice?
This is the question that you constantly fail to answer, and until you get serious and tell people what is really on your mind, and what is really your driving force, dont expect to recieve too much in the way of respect.
I just can put it any more simply.
So, you dont like the name calling, fine.
In this post I have given you exactly what you asked for.
I gave you my input, and my thoughts, and if taken as such, suggestions that might help you gain some respect.
What is your response to this?
Can we as a group be privilaged to the reason that you are a valid choice when it comes to the vote?
Oh, and guess what.
see, I do happen to live in Davidsonville, however, I do own property for investment purposes in the very district that you are running in,, and, If I choose to do so, I can vote in your district.