Child Support, II


JPC, Sr.

See here, it was not only me that said Mr. F.M. Harris, the master at the SMC Court, was a wrong doer and an abuser of the Office.

It was the Maryland highest Court of Appeals that said Harris abused his possition and misused his authority.

Here it is in print, Courts of Maryland Official Website Link. Click "Appellate Opinions" then Court of Appeals, March 8, 2000, Thrower vs. Support Enforcement.

There is the record and there is the facts and he damaged the whole county and the child support system is still in need of repair and reform and that is what I plan to do.
:elaine: ------------- :howdy:


Super Genius
JPC said:
the child support system is still in need of repair and reform and that is what I plan to do.
And that is the part that I still haven't heard you say anything about. "Repair and reform" how?


"Fluffy world destroyer"
JPC said:
See here, it was not only me that said Mr. F.M. Harris, the master at the SMC Court, was a wrong doer and an abuser of the Office.

It was the Maryland highest Court of Appeals that said Harris abused his possition and misused his authority.

Here it is in print, Courts of Maryland Official Website Link. Click "Appellate Opinions" then Court of Appeals, March 8, 2000, Thrower vs. Support Enforcement.

There is the record and there is the facts and he damaged the whole county and the child support system is still in need of repair and reform and that is what I plan to do.
:elaine: ------------- :howdy:
You plan to repair it by having the State pay? Yahoo! Pay mine too will ya? Better yet just tell the courts to give me my son and I'll not ask for child support.

JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

ylexot said:
And that is the part that I still haven't heard you say anything about. "Repair and reform" how?

:coffee: For me as a Legislator I can stop the greed of the Navy Base expantion and I can get Harris removed so those I do declare,

BUT, But, but,

Repair and reform of the child support laws will take a lot of work and effort and it would be very difficult indeed to try to predict what the result would be. Thus that I do not know for sure.

My first point that I will press to correct about child support is that the law says to take a percentage of the parents income but the Courts take a set amount and it is crooked and wrong and the Courts doing this wrong is the biggest reason that parents refuse to pay and it is the biggest reason that the child support arrears are so excessively high.

It will be difficult for me to get repair and reform through the Legislature but I am the only one that surely will do it and I will not stop until it gets done.

I will earn my money fixing the broken and corrupt child support and it will be hard to do but the need is too great for me to do otherwise.


JPC, Sr.

The Truth Will Set Us All Free.

:elaine: I can only get to this Forum a couple times per day sometimes as I do have other things that I must do.

So I like the discussions and I do not object to the critiques and so I plan to return and I am not avoiding the discussion at all.

Tomorrow morn 9:30am Wednesday is a meeting of the Board of Education to discuss the 2007 budget. I am to be there.

Peace, :flowers:


I'm really getting tired of this IDIOT...

like on the weakest link

"you are the weakest link, GOODBYE!"


JPC said:
See here, it was not only me that said Mr. F.M. Harris, the master at the SMC Court, was a wrong doer and an abuser of the Office.

It was the Maryland highest Court of Appeals that said Harris abused his possition and misused his authority.

Here it is in print, Courts of Maryland Official Website Link. Click "Appellate Opinions" then Court of Appeals, March 8, 2000, Thrower vs. Support Enforcement.

There is the record and there is the facts and he damaged the whole county and the child support system is still in need of repair and reform and that is what I plan to do.
:elaine: ------------- :howdy:
OK, James I have read Thrower V BOSE and I have concluded that you misquote and misinterpret the intent of the Appellant court.

First, the court on reversal clearly stated that it was not the law that was incorrectly applied it was reversed primarily for 2 reasons. 1. The Master did not sufficiently explore the reason the defendants did not have counsel and they waived their right to an attorney. and 2. The Master incorrectly without sufficient finding of fact set purge rates that were logical. (IE: Setting a purge rate of $850 due within 1 month to a person who made $75 a week). Further the contempt citation was incorrectly tied to the failure to maintain bi-weekly contact with BOSE and NOT for arrears in child support.

If you read Thrower further and without prejudice you will find that Thrower was in fact over $70,000 in arrears on 4 different children and had appeared before court several times, always with an excuse. That being said I agree with the opinion of the appellant court that the Master did not sufficiently investigate and set purge amounts. I disagree with his failure to sufficiently investigate lack of counsel, but that is just me.

What is a larger crime is that Thrower and the 3 other men were grossly in arrears with their child support and they had made little or no effort whatso ever to pay their obligations after running around spreading their seed and siring multiple children. We understand and accept the primal urges of dogs but we as a society expect more from humans.

In summary Thrower V BOSE was remanded basically for technicalities, The logic of purge rate structure and waiver of counsel. The Appeals Court did not refute in any way shape or form the 1. The BOSE methods, 2. The Child Support Statutes, 3. The fact that all 3 men were grossly in arrears of court ordered support payments, 4. That all 4 men were in fact in contempt of court for failure to pay child support.

The ST. Mary's County Master did in fact err in these cases in very specific terms, none of which are the primary focus of your claims that child support laws are "broken". What IS broken is your concept of responsibility. To hold Thrower V BOSE as your flag of proof shows that you love your money more than you do your child. For a human (note I did not say "man") to shirk his responsibility to act as a father and provide for his children is endemic of a breakdown in social culture. You sir are a prime example of the entitlement culture and the rush to victim hood. You have the morals of the afore mentioned dog. You deposit your seed and off you go to rummage in whatever dumpster you can for your next meal without regard for your offspring. You do not have core values inherent in people who value freedom and made this country great. You are a socialist who wants your problems and responsibilities taken care of by a nanny state.

What further points to your selfishness is that not only do you shirk your responsibilities as a father as evidenced by your incarceration twice for failure to support your child, but now you wish to take on the responsibility of representing constituents of a district to further your own selfish agenda. Additionally it is appalling that you wish to create a nanny state, yet want to be in charge of the nanny state so that it functions as YOU want it too.

Next you rail about expansion of the base. You as a sole delegate to the Maryland assembly will not have the power to do anything locally. Your "campaign promises" are in fact a sham which you cannot possibly deliver. You will not influence DOD, Congressman Hoyer, or if I may be so bold the ST Mary's County commissioners. You will not remove the court master, you will simply be ignored as you will never gain a consensus for ANY of your proposals because they are hair brained. What you sound like you want to be is Supreme Dictator of SOMD and that title does not exist.

Lastly, I want to know if you plan on taking the oath of office should you be elected? How can you truthfully take an oath to uphold the constitution and the laws of the State of Maryland when you admittedly, criminally, continuously have countlessly disobeyed and disagree with? Will you lie?

Post Script: You are seriously misguided. You disagree with social norms, disagree with common American values and when forced to comply you opt for jail. When released you twice threw a temper tantrum and defaced government (the peoples) property like a toddler who can't have ice cream.

Which of these qualities exactly is supposed to convince me a registered voter in this district that you represent my values? The failure to live up to societal norms and provide for your children? The temper tantrums which resulted in your jailing? The fact that when riled you destroy public property? The fact you are a socialist who is angry that YOUR money is being taken to support YOUR child yet you feel totally free to use MY money to do it?


Lem Putt
Pete said:
OK, James I have read Thrower V BOSE and I have concluded that you misquote and misinterpret the intent of the Appellant court.

First, the court on reversal clearly stated that it was not the law that was incorrectly applied it was reversed primarily for 2 reasons. 1. The Master did not sufficiently explore the reason the defendants did not have counsel and they waived their right to an attorney. and 2. The Master incorrectly without sufficient finding of fact set purge rates that were logical. (IE: Setting a purge rate of $850 due within 1 month to a person who made $75 a week). Further the contempt citation was incorrectly tied to the failure to maintain bi-weekly contact with BOSE and NOT for arrears in child support.

If you read Thrower further and without prejudice you will find that Thrower was in fact over $70,000 in arrears on 4 different children and had appeared before court several times, always with an excuse. That being said I agree with the opinion of the appellant court that the Master did not sufficiently investigate and set purge amounts. I disagree with his failure to sufficiently investigate lack of counsel, but that is just me.

What is a larger crime is that Thrower and the 3 other men were grossly in arrears with their child support and they had made little or no effort whatso ever to pay their obligations after running around spreading their seed and siring multiple children. We understand and accept the primal urges of dogs but we as a society expect more from humans.

In summary Thrower V BOSE was remanded basically for technicalities, The logic of purge rate structure and waiver of counsel. The Appeals Court did not refute in any way shape or form the 1. The BOSE methods, 2. The Child Support Statutes, 3. The fact that all 3 men were grossly in arrears of court ordered support payments, 4. That all 4 men were in fact in contempt of court for failure to pay child support.

The ST. Mary's County Master did in fact err in these cases in very specific terms, none of which are the primary focus of your claims that child support laws are "broken". What IS broken is your concept of responsibility. To hold Thrower V BOSE as your flag of proof shows that you love your money more than you do your child. For a human (note I did not say "man") to shirk his responsibility to act as a father and provide for his children is endemic of a breakdown in social culture. You sir are a prime example of the entitlement culture and the rush to victim hood. You have the morals of the afore mentioned dog. You deposit your seed and off you go to rummage in whatever dumpster you can for your next meal without regard for your offspring. You do not have core values inherent in people who value freedom and made this country great. You are a socialist who wants your problems and responsibilities taken care of by a nanny state.

What further points to your selfishness is that not only do you shirk your responsibilities as a father as evidenced by your incarceration twice for failure to support your child, but now you wish to take on the responsibility of representing constituents of a district to further your own selfish agenda. Additionally it is appalling that you wish to create a nanny state, yet want to be in charge of the nanny state so that it functions as YOU want it too.

Next you rail about expansion of the base. You as a sole delegate to the Maryland assembly will not have the power to do anything locally. Your "campaign promises" are in fact a sham which you cannot possibly deliver. You will not influence DOD, Congressman Hoyer, or if I may be so bold the ST Mary's County commissioners. You will not remove the court master, you will simply be ignored as you will never gain a consensus for ANY of your proposals because they are hair brained. What you sound like you want to be is Supreme Dictator of SOMD and that title does not exist.

Lastly, I want to know if you plan on taking the oath of office should you be elected? How can you truthfully take an oath to uphold the constitution and the laws of the State of Maryland when you admittedly, criminally, continuously have countlessly disobeyed and disagree with? Will you lie?

Post Script: You are seriously misguided. You disagree with social norms, disagree with common American values and when forced to comply you opt for jail. When released you twice threw a temper tantrum and defaced government (the peoples) property like a toddler who can't have ice cream.

Which of these qualities exactly is supposed to convince me a registered voter in this district that you represent my values? The failure to live up to societal norms and provide for your children? The temper tantrums which resulted in your jailing? The fact that when riled you destroy public property? The fact you are a socialist who is angry that YOUR money is being taken to support YOUR child yet you feel totally free to use MY money to do it?
:yay: Wow, that was well written. I didn't think you had it in you. Thanks for removing any appearance of credibility he may have had.

Pete for Delegate 29B!!!
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MMDad said:
:yay: Wow, that was well written. I didn't think you had it in you. Thanks for removing any appearance of credibility he may have had.

Pete for Delegate 29B!!!

I am actually stupid, I think it is residue from my stay at a Holiday Inn express a few weeks ago. :yay:


Active Member
i think my mom said this JCP fella did time for not paying child uspport or something like that.... lol

and for my mom to know that by my just saying "the guy who wants to take bohanan's seat"
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Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
Pete said:
I am actually stupid, I think it is residue from my stay at a Holiday Inn express a few weeks ago. :yay:
I disagree. You are not stupid. :howdy:Your spelling stinks like mine does and you miss use "to" and "too" and "then" and "than", but lots of people do that especially on this board.

If you ran, I might vote for you, but you are not in my district.