China bans love


Lawful neutral

On the campus of a secondary school in China's famous silk city of Hangzhou, pupils of the opposite sex have been given a very important new instruction.

They must maintain a minimum distance of half a metre (1.64 ft) from each other at all times. In addition, boys and girls are not allowed to go around school premises in pairs.

The Chinese regard teenage romance as something undesirable, calling it Zao Lian, which literally means "early love" but in essence it denotes immature love.

Schools and education authorities are increasingly bombarding young people with information on the "undesirable effects" of Zao Lian.

There are entire websites dedicated to the issue of how to avoid the lure of the opposite sex and focus attention on study. Schools in China also run sex education courses.


24/7 Single Dad
:yay: Sounds like a good idea.

I wish that teenagers screwing and having babies wasn't socially acceptable here


Soul Probe
That's not much accounting for personal liberty, but at the same time I can see it. Keep 'em focused on their education. Most early relationships don't last anyway. Besides, if you're only allowed one kid, then you better make sure it's with the right person.