Infinite Impetus
Just goes to show how sheltered a life you've lived, and doesn't surprise me considering the demographics here.
Just goes to show you sound like a snot. Possibly an "Asian" snot.
Statistically speaking, you're more likely to have a non-Asian person do your nails in the US, considering that 49% of all Asian Americans age 25+ have at least a bachelors degree, the highest proportion of college graduates out of all races and ethnic groups in the US. They also comprise the highest proportion of any other race and ethnic group with advanced degrees (Master's, Ph.D., M.D., J.D.) 86% have at least a high school diploma.
Not to mention, the median annual income of Asian Americans is $64,238, the highest among all race groups.
So sure, out here in the boondocks you may find a lot of Asian American small business owners that do your nails/hair and sell you fake Chinese food or Asian cuisine. But still, statistically speaking, you're more likely to have your nails done by a white person than an Asian person if you were to randomly choose any salon/ beauty parlor in the US.
Let’s talk about the term “Asians.” The author of the book, and topic of this thread, specifically cites Chinese people and how they rear children. Were you defending the Chinese Americans or all Asian Americans?
You need to cite your sources and be more specific.
MANY nail salons are run by Korean and Vietnamese families, who come from the continent of Asia. Therefore they are Asians… and not just “here in the boonies,” but everywhere. Land of opportunity and acrylic nails...check your facts Hello Kitty.