Chinese National Caught At Mar-a-Lago with Computer Malware


Up. Identified. Lase. Fire. On the way.
Here's an update of sorts (in case you haven't seen it).

Alex Finley is the pen name of a former CIA officer and author of Victor in the Rubble, a satire of the CIA and the war on terror.[*] Follow her on Twitter: @alexzfinley.

What was a Chinese woman doing at Mar-a-Lago with her pockets full of passports and cellphones? The March 30 arrest of Chinese national Yujing Zhang at President Donald Trump’s vacation home certainly reads like a juicy spy drama. At the time she was arrested, after changing her story about why she was there, she had on her, in addition to two Chinese passports and four cellphones, a laptop and USB drive later found to contain some kind of malware. More devices and $8,000 in cash were later found in her room at a nearby hotel.

Is Chinese intelligence attempting to infiltrate Mar-a-Lago? The answer to that is almost certainly yes. And so is every other foreign intelligence service. That’s just business as usual.

But is Zhang part of the Chinese effort?

U.S. law enforcement is still trying to figure that out.

Link: "What Was the Chinese Woman Arrested at Mar-a-Lago Really Up To? A Former Spy Helps Us Figure It Out."

*Here's a link to Finley's book: "Victor In The Rubble"; here's a link to her Amazon bio page: (can't comment on the book; haven't finished it yet).

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