I don't think my husband would go for a hairless cat... LOL Thanks for the suggestion though... I didn't even think about that.
My daughter looked at that allergy website and thought most of the dogs on there were 'too hairy' or ugly

*sigh* She did like the cockapoo and the maltipoo - but those are VERY expensive 'designer' type dogs, right? I kind of didn't want to go in that direction....
She still seems stuck on a dachsund so I guess I'll research them a bit more... do they really shed a ton? Allergy-wise I'm thinking she'll be ok since she wasn't reactive to dogs, but I might ask her allergist next time we are there, just to see what he suggests. There is obviously no timeframe for us to get a dog - it's whenever we decide what will best suit us and when we are ready. She claims that Santa is going to leave her a puppy but that isn't going to happen... unless it's a battery operated zhu zhu pet

I will keep my eye out at the shelters and on petfinder, just in case... I really would like to go the breeder route this time for more consistency, considering that we have gotten two shelter dogs in the past that have had issues due to prior abuse. I'm not totally ruling that out, but after dealing with health and behavioral problems in the past, I'm leaning toward a breeder.
Thanks to all that have given suggestions... and anyone that has more info on dachsunds, I'd love that too!