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The subject WAS: The rights afforded in Moslem countries to those that are not Moslems...and the rights afforded to everyone except adult men.
The problem of rights of women and children were strongly addressed during the 1800's- Who drove this movement? Christians.
Who dominated the abolitionist societies in the 1830's-1850's?
Who built the schools and insisted that each community in the west had a public school? Christians.
What drove the Philanthropists to give millions to academies, hospitals, libraries, in the late 1800's-early 1900's? Christianity.
Who was willing to reach out to millions of underclothed, underfed, overworked, and addicted urban poor? The Salvation Army: Christians.
So: Where are the benefits of Christianity? All around us.
Where is the disaster, plague, abuse, cruelty, tyranny, and crazed bombers?