Christians Officially Condemned by San Fran


Super Genius
Evangelical teens rally in S.F.
More than 25,000 evangelical Christian youth landed Friday in San Francisco for a two-day rally at AT&T Park against "the virtue terrorism" of popular culture, and they were greeted by an official city condemnation and a clutch of protesters who said their event amounted to a "fascist mega-pep rally."
Ahhhhh, San Fransisco...where people who hate American Democracy regularly gather and protest and the city welcomes them...

I really hope Zombietime was there (not on the site yet...:whistle:)

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Actually, I think it's stupid. If they don't live there, who care what the people there do. This is a democracy, why should someone fly out somewhere to tell people to be different.


New Member
Bustem' Down said:
Actually, I think it's stupid. If they don't live there, who care what the people there do. This is a democracy, why should someone fly out somewhere to tell people to be different.

Another good point, Bustem' you're on fire today!


They call me ... Sarcasmo
Bustem' Down said:
This is a democracy, why should someone fly out somewhere to tell people to be different.
The same could be said of all the lefties who come out of the wood work when there is an IMF/World Bank meeting, anti war rally (Excuse me PEACE rally) or supreme court nomination/confirmation hearing.

If the left wing people can excerise their freedom of assembly why can't the right?
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Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
kom526 said:
The same could be said of all the lefties who come out of the wood work when there is an IMF/World Bank meeting, anti war rally (Excuse me PEACE rally) or supreme court nomination/confirmation hearing.

If the left wing people can excerise their freedom of assembly why can't the left?
I do say the same for them. I don't give a rats azz what someone else is doing in thier city.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
If they don't live there, who care what the people there do.
Reading for comprehension is your friend. This group is traveling all over the US, not just SF.

And something I notice: if a liberal group protests, going to far as to destroy property and engage in violence, the general consensus is "That's their free speech! If you don't want to hear their message, don't listen to them!"

Yet you let a Christian or conservative group do the same thing, sans violence, and they are roundly criticized - "We don't want you here! That's hate speech! Get out!! :torchesandpitchforks: "

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
And something I notice: if a liberal group protests, going to far as to destroy property and engage in violence, the general consensus is "That's their free speech! If you don't want to hear their message, don't listen to them!"
That's just because that's what's coming from thier leadership. Squeaky wheel get the news coverage now a days.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
Reading for comprehension is your friend. This group is traveling all over the US, not just SF.
I know, and if they came to Houston (I don't know thier itenerary) I would tell them to pizz off because I don't really care what they think, I vote my my reps for my opinions, not thiers.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Bustem' Down said:
I know, and if they came to Houston (I don't know thier itenerary) I would tell them to pizz off because I don't really care what they think, I vote my my reps for my opinions, not thiers.
But the fact of the matter is that the mainstream media does not give publicity to these kinds of groups and their message. Therefore they must tour the country to deliver said message in person.

SF is depriving these people of their right to protest and their freedom of assembly because that is what liberals do - if they don't like your message, they will try to prevent you from sharing it with others. SF has no problem with gay rights groups marching naked downtown, spewing obscenities and blocking traffic. But you let Christians do it and the local government officially condemns thems.


Just a forgiven sinner
PREMO Member
vraiblonde said:
But the fact of the matter is that the mainstream media does not give publicity to these kinds of groups and their message. Therefore they must tour the country to deliver said message in person.

SF is depriving these people of their right to protest and their freedom of assembly because that is what liberals do - if they don't like your message, they will try to prevent you from sharing it with others. SF has no problem with gay rights groups marching naked downtown, spewing obscenities and blocking traffic. But you let Christians do it and the local government officially condemns thems.
Come on San Andreas fault!


Super Genius
vraiblonde said:
But the fact of the matter is that the mainstream media does not give publicity to these kinds of groups and their message. Therefore they must tour the country to deliver said message in person.

SF is depriving these people of their right to protest and their freedom of assembly because that is what liberals do - if they don't like your message, they will try to prevent you from sharing it with others. SF has no problem with gay rights groups marching naked downtown, spewing obscenities and blocking traffic. But you let Christians do it and the local government officially condemns thems.
Well, SF didn't prevent them from marching/preaching/whatever-you-want-to-call-it. They merely put forth an official government condemnation against them. I've never heard of the SF government doing the same for groups who are, by definition, against America. That's what I find strange.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
vraiblonde said:
But the fact of the matter is that the mainstream media does not give publicity to these kinds of groups and their message. Therefore they must tour the country to deliver said message in person.

SF is depriving these people of their right to protest and their freedom of assembly because that is what liberals do - if they don't like your message, they will try to prevent you from sharing it with others. SF has no problem with gay rights groups marching naked downtown, spewing obscenities and blocking traffic. But you let Christians do it and the local government officially condemns thems.
I don't think it has to do with Christians. They would probably do the same for the Klan, or a million man march or any other group. The gay pride parades started in thier city with thier people. I feel the same way, don't drive to my neighborhood to change the deed restrictions, go to DC. Being a Texas resident, I would never even think of going up to Southern MD to rally about something.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
We need you!

Bustem' Down said:
I don't think it has to do with Christians. They would probably do the same for the Klan, or a million man march or any other group. The gay pride parades started in thier city with thier people. I feel the same way, don't drive to my neighborhood to change the deed restrictions, go to DC. Being a Texas resident, I would never even think of going up to Southern MD to rally about something.

April 1.

"Stuffed Ham Kills" rally. You've got to find a way to get here. Drive. Bus. Hitch hike. Walk if you have to. After all, it's for the children. And the large intestine.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Larry Gude said:
April 1.

"Stuffed Ham Kills" rally. You've got to find a way to get here. Drive. Bus. Hitch hike. Walk if you have to. After all, it's for the children. And the large intestine.
But I like Stuffed Ham!

Larry Gude

Strung Out

...this is actually pretty good stuff:

Assemblyman Mark Leno, D-San Francisco, who told counterprotesters at City Hall on Friday that while such fundamentalists may be small in number, "they're loud, they're obnoxious, they're disgusting, and they should get out of San Francisco."


Bust 'em:

whose Teen Mania organization is based in Texas, kicked off a three-city "reverse rebellion" tour Friday night intended to counter a popular culture that he says glamorizes violence and sex. The $55 advance tickets for two days of musical performances and speeches were sold out, but walk-up admission was available for $199.

Sold out, to! In san Fran!

And the doozy, the proclomation of condemnation;

Earlier this week, the Board of Supervisors passed a resolution condemning the "act of provocation" by what it termed an "anti-gay," "anti-choice" organization that aimed to "negatively influence the politics of America's most tolerant and progressive city."

Act of provocation.

You'll see this phrase again.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Well that doesn't suprise me at all actually. I almost expected it.

You understand what I'm saying though right? It has nothing to do with who the group is or what thier message is. I would resent a bunch of you Southern Marylanders coming down to Houston to have a "Support the War" rally. It's not that I dislike you, or that I don't support the war, just leave my politics alone.
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Larry Gude

Strung Out
Not that there's anything wrong with that...

Bustem' Down said:
But I like Stuffed Ham!

...but, we need bodies, just like any other gathering of 'millions'. We've got the high school kids from LA coming in, the anti-Sodom crew from San Fran will be here, Jesse Jackson and Michael Moore are going to kick it off...

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Larry Gude said:
...but, we need bodies, just like any other gathering of 'millions'. We've got the high school kids from LA coming in, the anti-Sodom crew from San Fran will be here, Jesse Jackson and Michael Moore are going to kick it off...


Routinely Derailed
vraiblonde said:
Reading for comprehension is your friend. This group is traveling all over the US, not just SF.

And something I notice: if a liberal group protests, going to far as to destroy property and engage in violence, the general consensus is "That's their free speech! If you don't want to hear their message, don't listen to them!"

Yet you let a Christian or conservative group do the same thing, sans violence, and they are roundly criticized - "We don't want you here! That's hate speech! Get out!! :torchesandpitchforks: "
Good point! Didja catch the coverage of the numbskulls walking up I-10 yesterday afternoon? (Protesting about a completely different issue in L.A.) Fox News felt it was more important to cover their idiotic protest than to continue interviewing a gent who was discussing homeland security issues (inspecting all the CONEX boxes dropped off here every day that could house nuclear/biological/chemical devices for terrorist use). I was to say the least underwhelmed by the choice Fox made.