choose ignorance...
... just don't foist it on the rest of us. (By that I refer to your willful display of ignorance regarding science, not the fact that you choose a specific religion, or ANY religion.)
Okay, so I'll try again, in smaller words. I have no proof. Neither does science. See, that means we both have the same amount of proof. 0 = 0. None is the same as none.
Science has proofs of many things. The scientific claims that stand the tests designed to break down and disprove those ideas, tests by people educated in that field, are accepted as theory. The judgment of naysayers who have nothing but "it couldn't happen that way" mean
nothing. We're dealing with facts, not wishes.
You want to play on a level field, just give us SOMETHING that approaches what science provides as evidence.
What do you have? A similarity with numerous other religions which also had devout adherents who exhibited faith in the stories that they were told. None of those other religions can or could prove anything, either, yet
yours is the "one" that explains everything? Your whole argument boils down to "I believe that God did it, so that must be the truth."
By trying to continue this battle you do your chosen religion an injustice, cheapen your beliefs, and discount your faith. Faith: belief in something with no proof or evidence.
Fine make that choice but keep it in the category where it belongs: religion. Do not try to teach faith as science.
Your rose bush? It probably came from, or is a descendant of a plant from, a garden nursery. It could be a species of wild rose -- not having visited your garden I can't discount that possibility. Maybe it isn't even a real rose. Was it placed there by a god? I consider that highly unlikely, given what I know about the way things work in the natural world.
(That is a free lesson in making logical assumptions using current knowledge, even with missing data.)
Read up on what you're saying is right before you argue about it.
Funny you would write that; your responses sound like they come from someone without much education. I have studied biology, chemistry, anthropology, sociology, psychology, geology, geography, paleontology, and a few other things -- and
oh yeah, theology.