Christmas Caroling on Horseback!


Painted Spirit
This is an invitation for anyone who would like to go Caroling with our family on Horseback in our neighborhood. Our plan is to leave 1 to 2 ish and be out for 2 or 3 hrs. Our parking is somewhat limited so if you'd like to come give me a call and we'll set you up! No singing skills are necessary, we are just looking for loud and enthusiatic! Now is the time to use all the horse glitter and ribbon you can get your hands! Eggnog, hot chocolate, and horse devours to follow! 301-884-7426 :cartwheel


Tight Pants and Lipstick
PREMO Member
Sharon said:
Oooh, that sounds like fun! :yahoo:

Can I borrow a horse?
OOOOH OOOOH Me tooo!!!!! :howdy: Do you have a horse for me too????

I am just joshing - I would LOVE to though..... What fun....!


How did the caroling go? :howdy: Wish I had know about it sooner, sounded like fun. Maybe next time? :flowers:


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Staff member
PREMO Member
appyday said: Catt quick this is right up her ally.

Catt was out in her own neighborhood this afternoon, but she was singing a different tune. :lol:


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Staff member
PREMO Member
appyday said:
Sharon did you go??

I would've loved to have gone, but I had a to-do list that needed my attention.

HorseLady's generous offer was very nice and I was tempted to toss my list aside and go have some fun.


Rocky Mountain High!!
We Went~ It was a HOOT! We also took the lil one's finger eating pony :lol: She grabbed some kid's finger and wound NOT let go :lol: didn't help that the kid offered her a pretzel then snatched it back :lol:


Rocky Mountain High!!
pix R forthcoming...Horselady PROMISED (i forgot my camera AGAIN :loser:)...'cept she'll prolly leave off the one where the pon-pon chomped the kid's finger and wouldn't let go :lol:


Rocky Mountain High!!
appyday said:
The Brrr in your first post...was it cold??

The day was SO nice to start with we all forgot it was mid Dec :lol:
No COATS :loser:
\AND the new Brit Riders left my feet KOLD!!1 I'm so dissappointed.... I might return them to Mucks


Painted Spirit
Hey I've got a photo from today - I swear Snow is spitting out a finger! Happy, I'll email them to you and let you post it! I didn't realize we might need to keep a mini jaws-of-life in our saddle bags, next year we'll be prepared!


Rocky Mountain High!!
Thank you again for having us, it was a LOT of fun, I haven't said Merry Christmas so much this whole season as i did today!!
Next mini year jaws of life for sure :lol:


Rocky Mountain High!!
Keeping most of her horses headless helps Horselady keep the hay bills to a minimum.

First pix of our caroling debut. :biggrin:


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jazz lady

~*~ Rara Avis ~*~
PREMO Member
happyappygirl said:
First pix of our caroling debut. :biggrin:

Very nice! :yay: But what does the ribbon on the horse in the first pic say? I would assume it's a kicker and is warning people to back off.


Painted Spirit
Your right! In most cases ribbons on a horses tail have significance - red means the horse may kick, green means a stallion. But in our case the ribbons were just our Christmas Best! HO HO HO they said! Late for work - gotta run!


Horse Poor
If I had know ahead of time I would of joined in...That would have been fun....Ok horselady get one together for next year.....


Horse Poor
My calender is marked :yay: Maybe we can start a new tradition....Who's bringing the hot rum drinks.... :elaine: