Clarke's Landing: Saturday, Sept 24th



This is an open invite to a forumite lunch: it is to be held in Sleuth's honor, since he will be leaving us shortly to move to Indiana.

We will have reservations for 12:00, and I need a count of definites by Thursday afternoon to give the restaurant a heads-up. Weather willing, we will be sitting outside, so please dress accordingly.

Clarke's is kid (and forumite) friendly. :yay:

I do not believe that they split checks, so please bring cash to pay for your share.

If you need directions:


Pea Brain
PREMO Member
Nickel said:
What is that? :blushing:
I don't know all the ingredients but there are big, juicy chunks of delicious, mouth-watering crab meat in it and you get enough for lunch the next day. :yum: :love: :yum:
In all seriousness, Sleuth... I'm thinking nomo is waiting for you to tell her she has a pretty head before she commits to going... it may take to or three PMers to really convince her you are being sincere. :bubble: