Cleopatra Was Not Black


1000000 BC


Not my proudest fap.


PREMO Member
And you can BET they sure don't consider themselves African IN THE SENSE that we typically refer to as black - ethinically, from southern part of the continent.

Oh hell no, they very much identified with their Tamazight Heritage, Mediterranean, there was NOTHING African about them ....

this is all very much a Western or more precise an American Black construct .,....
if I had to guess, probably coming out of the Farakooks Nation of Islam.

I worked with a brotha on a construction site in the mid 90's ... the brain washing

Afrocentic does not begin to describe the nonsense

Civilization started in Africa in some Wakanda Esque great civilization took pity on the poor dumb neanderthals living in caves, teaching them like some domesticated animals to have white men back stab them and run off with fire ..... destroying this mythical civilization

The situation in Africa ever since is the White Man's Fault
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PREMO Member
Not my proudest fap.

Try this brother ......
