Clinton fumes over BBC interview


Well-Known Member
I'd post the link, but it is WAY long - it's better just to go over to Drudge and click on it.

What amazes me, is the difference between Clinton and Rather, and Clinton and this guy, confirming what I recall during the Lewinsky affair - Clinton is a completely likable, laughing, funny guy - until you ask the wrong questions. Then he pokes his finger in the air, stops blinking and gets nasty.

This also confirms what I've also always asserted - the networks have always given him a free pass as far as asking tough questions. Hannity was saying last week, that Clinton's interview with Dan Rather yesterday was little more than an hour long infomercial, and that appears to be right. Even the old gray Lady, the New York Times, thinks his book is awful, and that's saying a lot.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
The lackeys are in...

...full swing as well.

Lanny Rodham Davis was on CNBC, asked about the book, is it good, is it accurate, and he went straight into the classic Clinton speak;

Clinton will go down as one of the greatest of all time.

The American people distinguish between his personal life and his outstanding public achiements.

If not for Ken Starr...blah blah...

The book, sir?

What book? Oh of the greatest Presidents of all time, difference between his PRIVATE behavior and OUTSTANDING work for the American people...

It's becoming an ugly reminder of the logic turned upside down nature of how they treated everything for 8 years. Up is down. Left is right. Is is...whatever...

Did anybody catch that he admited to purgury in the book? When he was in front of the grand jury, he said that he didn't start getting "inappropriate" w/ Monica until '96, even after confronted with her testimony that it began during the govt. shutdown in 10/95. In the book he admits that it started when Monica said. Lied under oath AGAIN! Apparently, he didn't want to admit that he had "relations" with an intern, he wanted to make it look like it started afte she left for the pentagon.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Dan Rather asked...

...Clinton 'What was your favoirte day...?'

Sums up the whole 8 years.

I think it is a riot how now we are expected to swallow that Clinton had ONE girl friend in 8 years.

As far as lying, well, the laundry list still sits unaddressed.


Well-Known Member
The press in Great Britain is commenting that apparently Clinton just loses it in this interview, because he's just used to people like Rather who give him an easy time. But the BBC has no love affair with the guy, and they'll ask him stuff our networks would never ask him. I'd really just like to see his reaction on Panorama.