Clinton or Bush

Who is to blame for the mess the U.S. is in today?

  • George Bush

    Votes: 11 24.4%
  • Bill Clinton

    Votes: 22 48.9%
  • Al Gore because he created the Internet

    Votes: 6 13.3%
  • Someone else, I'll add my answer in a post.

    Votes: 9 20.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Which mess?

If you're talking about the War on Tara and how our enemies thought they could fly planes into our buildings and attack us with impunity, that falls squarely on Clinton's shoulders because he's the one who gave them that impression by his non-action while president.

If you're talking about the lack of progress in Iraq, that would be Bush's fault because he's too busy appeasing the Leftists and crybabies instead of kicking ass and taking names.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'd like to hear someone...

...anyone make an intelligent argument as to how Bill Clinton is responsible for ANYTHING going on now, some 6 years after he left office.

That's absurd.


mv = margaritaville
Larry Gude said:
...anyone make an intelligent argument as to how Bill Clinton is responsible for ANYTHING going on now, some 6 years after he left office.

That's absurd.
Had he done his job....we wouldn't be worrying about it now.

Yes it's Clinton's fault


Jimmy Carter = Hostages taken in Iran and held for 444 days.

Ronald Reagan = Hostages released within 22 minutes after inauguration.

Bill Clinton = Has feeble measure responses to multiple attacks on the US and US interests. Terrorists continue, 9/11 happens 8 months after he leaves office.

George Bush = Took it to them, invaded Afghanistan, destroyed training camps, destroyed infrastructure, put terrorists on the run and terrorist supporting governments on notice.


vraiblonde said:
Which mess?

ObYeahThat: :yeahthat:

There's a whole lot of messes - some of which can be laid at the feet of Clinton, some which can be laid at the feet of Bush - and a few that can be laid at the feet of men long dead... FDR, f'rinstance.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Well that was easy...

mv_princess said:
Had he done his job....we wouldn't be worrying about it now.

Yes it's Clinton's fault to explain? Is 6 years not enough time for President Bush to now be in charge and responsible?

Was George H. W. Bush and what he left undone in Iraq responsible for what Clinton had to deal with after six years in office?

How about Bush 41? What was Reagans fault during his tenure? Was our relationship with Saddam Reagans fault when 41 was on the job?

How about Reagan? At year 6 was it still Carters fault, say, for 241 Marines being blown up in Lebanon?

How about Carter? What was Nixons fault?

Nixon and JFK? Shall we go back to Ike orchestrating a coup in Iran, sabatoging a legitimate, democratic and fair election that many people feel is at the root of anti US sentiment in Iran to this day?



Larry Gude said:
...anyone make an intelligent argument as to how Bill Clinton is responsible for ANYTHING going on now, some 6 years after he left office.

He was leader of the free world for almost a decade. His actions currently resound and will continue to resound throughout history. We're still feeling the effect of actions from presidents such as JFK, FDR, Abraham Lincoln, and for that matter, George Washington. Some negative, some not...

I don't suppose that makes him directly responsible for anything regarding policy right now, but things that he's done, or didn't do indeed have a strong bearing on what's currently on our plate, and what needs to be dealt with.


mv = margaritaville
Larry Gude said: to explain? Is 6 years not enough time for President Bush to now be in charge and responsible?

Was George H. W. Bush and what he left undone in Iraq responsible for what Clinton had to deal with after six years in office?

How about Bush 41? What was Reagans fault during his tenure? Was our relationship with Saddam Reagans fault when 41 was on the job?

How about Reagan? At year 6 was it still Carters fault, say, for 241 Marines being blown up in Lebanon?

How about Carter? What was Nixons fault?

Nixon and JFK? Shall we go back to Ike orchestrating a coup in Iran, sabatoging a legitimate, democratic and fair election that many people feel is at the root of anti US sentiment in Iran to this day?

sure why not? Very person that runs that office, will do something wrong.

why because you can't make everyone happy. We should have gone in made the whole middle east a stupid parking lot with a Dinsey World. And ended it. But nnnooo some sort of human life group would flip a lid about that one.

Clearly it doesn't matter which President you look at in history, someone will comment that they did something wrong. I do know that Clinton and Bin Laden in coustdy and let him go. That right there, big mistake...we knew who bomd the World Trade Centers in 92. Did nothing.

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Pete said:
Jimmy Carter = Hostages taken in Iran and held for 444 days.

Ronald Reagan = Hostages released within 22 minutes after inauguration.

Bill Clinton = Has feeble measure responses to multiple attacks on the US and US interests. Terrorists continue, 9/11 happens 8 months after he leaves office.
George Bush = Took it to them, invaded Afghanistan, destroyed training camps, destroyed infrastructure, put terrorists on the run and terrorist supporting governments on notice.

...the implication is that Clinton inaction bad, Bush action good. I think Bush's handling of Iraq and Afghanistan has left an awful lot to be desired, so, you explain to me how Bubba would have done so much better of a job had he taken the invasion route.

I'll wait. Bubba the Crusader dons his sword.

Go ahead.


New Member
I voted "Someone else". Ready for this??

It's my fault and it's your fault!! We elect these guys but we don't hold them accountable. It's been building for decades. Our memories have become shorter and shorter.

When was the last time we were truely angry and raised hell?? Why are we allowing this crap? We've grown comfortable sitting on our asses with our technology. We have it great here!! Our forefathers suffered and built it, now we are lazy and let the politicians do as they please.

Yes I include myself!! If we were passionate as we should be, we'd be on the streets of DC every Saturday demanding things be done. We wouldn't allow illegal immigration. We wouldn't allow anyone to burn our flag on our soil. We wouldn't allow a foreign president to badmouth out sitting president (whether we like him or not).

There's plenty more but I'm at lunch and need to keep it short and I don't have all the answers. There's more we could do and I would like to hear from some of the clever folks on here what their opinion is that we could do and how we could do it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
...anyone make an intelligent argument as to how Bill Clinton is responsible for ANYTHING going on now, some 6 years after he left office.
Well, I will tell you, then:

Prior to Bill Clinton and his scorched-earth politics, Republicans and Democrats were adversarial, but not completely whacked in the head loonie nutso. No, Republicans didn't care for his policies, but he was afforded the respect due a president. There was no circus during Ruth Bader Ginsberg's nominating process like there was with Alito and Roberts (not to mention the nominees Bush put forth that didn't even get that far).

Clinton's cabinet nominees got tossed out because they committed crimes. Bush's get tossed because they happen to be conservatives.

I hold the Clinton Administration squarely and directly responsible for the ugly, divisive tone in American politics today. HE chose James Carville and Paul Begala to run smear campaigns against anyone who so much as looked at him wrong. HE picked Terry McAuliffe to be the head of the party. HE didn't take responsiblity for his actions, and threw out the old "it was just sex" mantra that the freaks repeat to this day.

It was HIS nasty wife who made the "vast right-wing conspiracy" comment, getting the loose screws all wound up, when she knew damn good and well that it was a lie and that Clinton was guilty as charged.

And, finally, it is HIS fault that the Democrats in this country are jumping through hoops, suspending reality and losing their fool minds, to defend their support of him for 8 long years because they have buyer's remorse and don't want to admit it.

If he were a real leader instead of just another skirt-chasing frat boy, he would step up to the plate, support the war against the terrorism that HE exacerbated for 8 years, and do his part to strengthen our country instead of trying to defend a legacy of lies and corruption.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I guess we read...

Toxick said:
He was leader of the free world for almost a decade. His actions currently resound and will continue to resound throughout history. We're still feeling the effect of actions from presidents such as JFK, FDR, Abraham Lincoln, and for that matter, George Washington. Some negative, some not...

I don't suppose that makes him directly responsible for anything regarding policy right now, but things that he's done, or didn't do indeed have a strong bearing on what's currently on our plate, and what needs to be dealt with.

...different poll questions. I read;

Who is to blame for the mess the U.S. is in today?

Bill Clinton, while certainly having his policies, good and bad, having some influence and impact today, just like I suppose every President in our History so some degree or other, is NOT to blame for our 'mess' today. W's been on the job 6 years. This is his baby.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
W's been on the job 6 years. This is his baby.
However, had the Clintonistas not poisoned political discourse in this country, maybe we could all be on basically the same page, both Democrat and Republican, and more progress could be made with regard to Iraq and terrorism.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I must have missed...

vraiblonde said:
Well, I will tell you, then:

Prior to Bill Clinton and his scorched-earth politics, Republicans and Democrats were adversarial, but not completely whacked in the head loonie nutso. No, Republicans didn't care for his policies, but he was afforded the respect due a president. There was no circus during Ruth Bader Ginsberg's nominating process like there was with Alito and Roberts (not to mention the nominees Bush put forth that didn't even get that far).

Clinton's cabinet nominees got tossed out because they committed crimes. Bush's get tossed because they happen to be conservatives.

I hold the Clinton Administration squarely and directly responsible for the ugly, divisive tone in American politics today. HE chose James Carville and Paul Begala to run smear campaigns against anyone who so much as looked at him wrong. HE picked Terry McAuliffe to be the head of the party. HE didn't take responsiblity for his actions, and threw out the old "it was just sex" mantra that the freaks repeat to this day.

It was HIS nasty wife who made the "vast right-wing conspiracy" comment, getting the loose screws all wound up, when she knew damn good and well that it was a lie and that Clinton was guilty as charged.

And, finally, it is HIS fault that the Democrats in this country are jumping through hoops, suspending reality and losing their fool minds, to defend their support of him for 8 long years because they have buyer's remorse and don't want to admit it.

If he were a real leader instead of just another skirt-chasing frat boy, he would step up to the plate, support the war against the terrorism that HE exacerbated for 8 years, and do his part to strengthen our country instead of trying to defend a legacy of lies and corruption.

...the part where the poll asked who is responsible for the state of our political discourse today.

I assumed he meant policy and, specifically, Iraq as that's been all the Clinton talk of late.

As for your point, I agree. The Clinton/Carville Presidency did do some special things.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I dunno...

vraiblonde said:
However, had the Clintonistas not poisoned political discourse in this country, maybe we could all be on basically the same page, both Democrat and Republican, and more progress could be made with regard to Iraq and terrorism.

...Clinton's a talker not a man of action. Bill Maher, when he said it was cowardly to launch missiles back in the UBL/Aspirin factory days, got it right but he failed to clarify that he meant our leader, Clinton, not the troops in the field following orders.

Maher chose to go down with his lips rather than back them up.

I, frankly, can no more imagine Clinton dealing with Saddam or UBL than I can Carter straitening out Khomeini back in his day. He did what he could do. Not much but still, what did anyone, honestly expect of a man who's primary goal was to get a blow job while on the phone in the oval office and then go play golf?


Larry Gude said:
...different poll questions. I read;

I wasn't responding to the poll question.

I was responding to your previous post:

Larry Gude said:
... anyone make an intelligent argument as to how Bill Clinton is responsible for ANYTHING going on now, some 6 years after he left office.

Quotes are incomplete because you put the first half of your posts in the topic line.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
I assumed he meant policy and, specifically, Iraq as that's been all the Clinton talk of late.
That's what I'm talking about as well.

Here is information on the Iraq Liberation Act:
The Act declared that it was the Policy of the United States to support "regime change." The Act was passed in the House [2] and Senate [3] and signed into law by the US President Bill Clinton on October 31, 1998.

And while Clinton was onboard in the beginning and supportive overthrowing Saddam Hussein, he has since changed his tune because, apparently, he realized that nobody remembered him having the same goal when HE was president. Therefore he is free to bang with the gang and rouse the rabble in an effort to thwart the accomplishments of a Republican president.

Clinton could unite this country, or at least go a long ways toward that goal. He has chosen instead to continue his divisive rhetoric.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
That's a great point...

vraiblonde said:
That's what I'm talking about as well.

Here is information on the Iraq Liberation Act:

And while Clinton was onboard in the beginning and supportive overthrowing Saddam Hussein, he has since changed his tune because, apparently, he realized that nobody remembered him having the same goal when HE was president. Therefore he is free to bang with the gang and rouse the rabble in an effort to thwart the accomplishments of a Republican president.

Clinton could unite this country, or at least go a long ways toward that goal. He has chosen instead to continue his divisive rhetoric.

...but I'm still saying I can't imagine him DOING anything about it. That is to say that if people willing to do the work, W and Co, are having such a tough time, what kind of worse mess would people have made who were not interested in doing anything about it in the first place?

Larry Gude

Strung Out

Toxick said:
I wasn't responding to the poll question.

I was responding to your previous post:

Quotes are incomplete because you put the first half of your posts in the topic line.

...that's fair. I shouldn't have said 'anything'. I just read the poll as 'being responsible for' not sharing blame. In that sense, to me, 'being responsible for' then Clinton is NOT. For having something to do with it, sharing blame, sure, and Bush 41 as well because he did not finish the job in 1991. Which is a whole other can of worms, but, that man betrayed a great many Iraqi patriots whom he encouraged to overthrow Saddam with the implicit promise of our help. He 'Bay of Pigs' them. Saddam then executed them.