Clippers owner's bigoted rant


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Can't wait to see who pounces on this guy. Should be entertaining to see how they try to spin this one.

Donald Sterling – owner of an NBA team – being taped telling someone he doesn’t want African-Americans at his basketball games.

You can sleep with [black people]. You can bring them in, you can do whatever you want. The little I ask you is not to promote it on that ... and not to bring them to my games."


Lawful neutral
Bigot meet gold-digger

They’re both trash. I heard this morning that she recorded over 100 hours of audio & video mostly from the inside of his home.


Well-Known Member
Just a liberal, slum lord, plantation owner from Chicago showing his true colors. He donates lots of money to the NAACP so that blacks stay on his plantation and make him (and NAACP leadership) rich.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, well at least he isnt nearly the BIGOT racist man we elevated to messiah, you know, the Kenyan from Chicago...


PREMO Member
They’re both trash. I heard this morning that she recorded over 100 hours of audio & video mostly from the inside of his home.

nice relationship ... why would she feel the need to record their conversations ?


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
After they take care of this guy, I can't wait for the NBA players to come out against the hip hop rappers and their misogynistic, hate spewing lyrics. Rappers be dropping the N* word like it be goin outta style.


Surely you jest ...
Why can't people just grow up? It boggles the mind that any of this crap is in play in 2014. People show their a$$ everyday with their prejudices and hate. Move on, the more attention paid to the n* word. raghead and or any others tossed about the more it hangs around. STARVE prejudice and it becomes weak, feed it and you only make it stronger.

As for that dime dropping hag. If she gets a penny for anything pertaining to recording him and exposing it. I hope charges are brought against her. He was set up in my mind, his private feelings meant for her to hear not the world. Thats just plain wrong no matter how you look at it.




my war
After they take care of this guy, I can't wait for the NBA players to come out against the hip hop rappers and their misogynistic, hate spewing lyrics. Rappers be dropping the N* word like it be goin outta style.

What do hip hop rappers have to do with the NBA?


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
What do hip hop rappers have to do with the NBA?

The players are making a statement in silent protest. But every day on radio stations were hear the tired rap lyrics about n*ggas, bitches and hoes. Where's the outrage for this? Why the anger for a single person's words?

The Clippers players staged a silent protest. As they warmed up for an NBA playoff game, the players removed their warmup shirts bearing team logos to reveal red T-shirts worn inside out, with the logos hidden. They finished warming up, removed the red shirts and played the game wearing their regular uniforms.

The National Basketball Players Association demanded Sterling be barred from all playoff games this season. The players also want an accounting of past accusations of racism against Sterling
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my war
The players are making a statement in silent protest. But every day on radio stations were hear the tired rap lyrics about n*ggas, bitches and hoes. Where's the outrage for this? Why the anger for a single person's words?

Oh, so because they are black NBA players, they automatically like hip hop? What a stupid ####ing analogy.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
Oh, so because they are black NBA players, they automatically like hip hop? What a stupid ####ing analogy.

I don't know what race/color the players happen to be. I do know they protested the owner. I know they all hear the rap songs lyrics, just like I hear them.

If you want to make a point and protest, fine. Just be consistent about it.

Nothing in my post alludes to anyone liking any particular style of music.


Well-Known Member
Safe to assume the players won't be at the NAACP awards banquet when Sterling receives his lifetime achievement award?

Of course now, the NAACP has revised their awards invite and it doesn't look like Sterling is on the list anymore.

Are his comments awful and disturbing? Yes.
Do they bring embarassament to not only the Clippers but the NBA? Yes.
Were they made in a private conversation between an 80-something-year-old man and his decades-younger ladyfriend that never should have seen the light of day? Yes.

Keep in mind, his ex was half black, half mexican (and full ugly).

He's also paying his 3 top players (all 3 are black) over $54 Million this season alone.

Anyone else reminded of the Mozilla fiasco?
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All this and then our wonderful president makes a speach on this incident concerning racism in this country. :doh: Why in the hell is the president getting involved with a minor problem like this one? He has done more to further racism in this country than he has done to help combat it. Why did you obama voters out there elect this fool?


Lawful neutral
I think the guy had his 80th birthday today and he's fooling around with a 27 y/o golddigger.