Probably the closest I've ever had. Coming up on a red light in the right lane (not shoulder) with no one in front of me. Traffic started to roll and I was still going about 40 so I picked it up a bit. Some kid in a f@rt machine decided his lane (center) wasn't taking off fast enough. I was almost up to him when I heard a chirp of tires and he started to dart into my lane. He was about half way over as I hit the gas and moved as far right as I could. Didn't even have time to see if the shoulder lane was clear, but I went part way into it anyway. I gave him a nice wave. Be careful riders. There are some real idiots out there. This is a situation I probably should have been a bit more cautious in. I didn't know if my 6 in the right lane was clear at that point( knew the left wasn't) and always be ready for a quick lane change, which luckily happened. In other words have an escape route. Two is better.