

Nothing to see here

Originally posted by Larry Gude
... Stevie D is the heart and soul of the team!!!

I thought so until yesterday when he struck a pose in the end zone..But, thats the way it is, nowadays. :burning:

One thing to be said about the Danny is that he is very willing to spend money, give him time, he'll get it right..


New Member

One thing to be said about the Danny is that he is very willing to spend money, give him time, he'll get it right..

But like everything else in this country, just throwing money at the problem does nothing. We need players that are hungry and want to win. It seems like we have to many flashy showy players on the team. We need the players that have the workman like attitude to win.


My Sweetest Boy

Originally posted by frogger
But like everything else in this country, just throwing money at the problem does nothing. We need players that are hungry and want to win. It seems like we have to many flashy showy players on the team. We need the players that have the workman like attitude to win.

And you want the Redskins to be different than another other team? I agree Danny has made some mistakes and probably was blinded because he really is just a big fan who can buy the glitzy players. He IS learning. Continuity is an important thing. You have to remember that some of these players have played for 4 different coaches under 4 different systems in 4 years. I believe there's a somewhat chaotic feeling with the players and coaches coming and going. How do you develop a rapport as a team? Unfortunately, we will never have the heydays of the late 70's and early 80's and I doubt other teams will due to the free agency and all the large contracts.

We can have a good team. It takes some continuity -- keeping a group of some of the players that you can build around, have a good feeling about playing together, good movitating coaches (and I don't know how you motivate these guys since these guys can get cut and picked up with another team unless they are just plain lousy).


Dancing Up A Storm
Looks as though the 'skins are not going to lose Marvin Lewis afterall; he turned down that college coaching offer he was entertaining. The Redskins, it seems to me, don't use their running game enough. In spite of what some folks say, I think Stephen Davis is one heck of a player. But really, what has killed the ' skins lately? TURNOVERS!



My Sweetest Boy
Marvin's only hanging around in hopes of getting a head coaching job in the NFL.

Turnovers, yep...lack of concentration, inexperience...blah..blah...


Nothing to see here
Lewis is as good as gone, he's just biding his time for a pro coaching job that will open up after the 3 or 4 firings at the end of the season.

Originally posted by penncam
Looks as though the 'skins are not going to lose Marvin Lewis afterall;....


Dancing Up A Storm
And another thing:

Originally posted by cattitude
Marvin's only hanging around in hopes of getting a head coaching job in the NFL.

Turnovers, yep...lack of concentration, inexperience...blah..blah...
:guitar: Since I'm not a die-hard 'skins fan, I don't recall all their quarterbacks. I know Pat Ramsey, Danny Wuerffle, but can't recall the others.
My point being with all the shuffling of these QBs in and out, sometimes all three in one game, how do the Redskins develop any continuity? Each one has got to be different: cadence, tendencies,favorites, likes pass vs run or vice versa, doesn't shave under his armpits, you know it's tough on a team!



Dancing Up A Storm
Re: See, you guys

Originally posted by cattitude
I'm really the brains in the group.

:biggrin: Did you really mean to say "brains of a grouper"? That's some kind of big fish, isn't it? That's about how those 'skins played against MY team Sunday!



My Sweetest Boy
Re: Re: See, you guys

Originally posted by penncam
:biggrin: Did you really mean to say "brains of a grouper"? That's some kind of big fish, isn't it? That's about how those 'skins played against MY team Sunday!


No, you twit, that's not what I meant to say. I was merely pointing out that I was smarter than Dale b/c I posted the same thing he said but did it first. No leave me alone about my Redskins.


Dancing Up A Storm
:bawl: Gosh, Oh Gee, Oh My, talk about sore losers. How do ya think I felt after my dumb Giants lost to the stupid Titans last week? Nine points ahead with a minute and change to go, and they couldn't hold the lead?
BOO HOO to ya! But I still luv ya!



Dancing Up A Storm
Re: See, you guys

Originally posted by cattitude
No, you twit, that's not what I meant to say. I was merely pointing out that I was smarter than Dale b/c I posted the same thing he said but did it first. Redskins are losers.

:biggrin: Hmm? Smarter than Dale? And who you callin' a TWIT?
