
John Z

if you will
Hey, at least a few flakes had fallen already. I love it when things close before any of the bad weather has begun. :lmao:


Originally posted by mainman
I'm happy to report that the town of Herndon is open tomorrow...:confused:

Thanks MM, we really needed to know that. <a href='' target='_blank'><img src='' border=0></a>


Re: Area Closings

Correction: St. Marys Closed that quick...:ohwell: [/B][/QUOTE] :banghead: I cannot :banghead: be :banghead: cooped up :banghead: with a :banghead: 7 year old :banghead: one more day !!!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Area Closings

Originally posted by Pete
Correction: St. Marys Closed that quick...:ohwell:
:banghead: I cannot :banghead: be :banghead: cooped up :banghead: with a :banghead: 7 year old :banghead: one more day !!! [/B][/QUOTE] I'll be home too.


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Area Closings

Originally posted by Pete
I'll be home too.
you want mine [/B][/QUOTE]

Sure. Your house might be better, it has two TV's.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Area Closings

Originally posted by RoseRed
you want mine

Sure. Your house might be better, it has two TV's.

what time you going to get here:wink:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Area Closings

Originally posted by Pete
what time you going to get here:wink: [/B]

Lets see, your house 2 TV's and hot tub, mine has a decent little sleeding hill and another TV with a built in VCR... who am I kidding, I'll be on the computer with all of you guys! Bring him here. :lol:


Nothing to see here
Whoa, this is cool, we got MM watching the closings and RR watching the snow plows...:biggrin:


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Originally posted by otter
Whoa, this is cool, we got MM watching the closings and RR watching the snow plows...:biggrin:

I'm a slacker, I haven't been reporting all the other stuff that has been going on.... :neener:


Be about it
I'm still is this? I'm ALWAYS long in bed by now. Usually get tired early as heck. We're about to play tennis doubles on Xbox live'll be at least midnight before I hit the sack. :banana:

If something crazy occurs and I don't get to sleep in tomorrow like I'm banking on I'll be one :cussing: gal!


Re: Re: Re: Area Closings

Originally posted by TIGGER6035
:banghead: I cannot :banghead: be :banghead: cooped up :banghead: with a :banghead: 7 year old :banghead: one more day !!!

Pete you'll be alright.:biggrin: [/B][/QUOTE] This will make 4 days !!


American Beauty
PREMO Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Area Closings

Originally posted by Pete
Pete you'll be alright.:biggrin:
This will make 4 days !! [/B][/QUOTE]

What is up with all these screwed up QUOTES???

TWLs wife

New Member
Re: Re: Re: Re: Area Closings

Originally posted by Pete
Pete you'll be alright.:biggrin:
This will make 4 days !! [/B][/QUOTE]

We might suck in your home a week with this weather. It's going to snow again Wesday & Friday. Do you think you'll make it that long?


Nothing to see here
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Area Closings

Originally posted by RoseRed
This will make 4 days !!

What is up with all these screwed up QUOTES??? [/QUOTE]

dropping the "" for some reason