CNN Anchor Gets Into Tense On-Air Exchange With Navy SEAL on Gun Control: ‘Tell That to Australia’


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CNN Anchor Gets Into Tense On-Air Exchange With Navy SEAL on Gun Control: ‘Tell That to Australia’

Higbie then cited a “Harvard study” that, he said, shows there is “absolutely no evidence to the fact that gun laws will prevent gun violence.”

“Hold on one second,” Camerota immediately shot back. “Tell that to Australia. Australia passed a massive gun control law in 1996 after a mass shooting. They bought back hundreds of thousands of semi-automatic weapons and haven’t had a mass shooting since.”

“And their violent crime rate has since risen,” Higbie replied.

Following the show, Mediaite dug up some little-known information on the elusive “Harvard study” Higbie invoked.

The 2007 “study” Higbie referred to certainly exists, but it wasn’t actually a study, and it wasn’t the work of Harvard researchers.

“It was a non-peer-reviewed paper written by NRA-backed gun rights activists that was published in the conservative student-edited Harvard Journal of Law & Public Policy, and which was refuted by an actual Harvard researcher,” Mediaite reported.

Snopes reported last October that “the purported 2007 Harvard ‘study’ with ‘astonishing’ findings was in fact a polemic paper penned by two well-known gun rights activists,” noting that “its findings were neither peer-reviewed nor subject to academic scrutiny of any sort prior to its appearance, and the publication that carried it was a self-identified ideology-based editorial outlet edited by Harvard students.”

ok this is kinda surreal

... The Blaze using Snopes to discredit a Trump Mouth Piece and Mediate getting in on the action as well.


I have no dog in this fight .... its nice to see [what I guess is] the truth for a change