CNN Flashes 'X' Over VP'S Face During Live Speech

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
The way I see it though Sam, it's not just the news agencies that are coloring the stories. Not that they're not to blame. He who yells loudest get's the most coverage on the news because it's the good story that get's the ratings. Right now it's the democrats doing all the yelling, so thier story is on the news and the stories look biased left. When Clinton was in office, you heard more from the Republican party so the stories might have come out looking a little right. Opposition to the sitting president is always better news than support, so it always looks biased one way or the other.


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Bustem' Down said:
When Clinton was in office, you heard more from the Republican party so the stories might have come out looking a little right. Opposition to the sitting president is always better news than support, so it always looks biased one way or the other.
Two things - it's always true that a sitting President is fair game for the press. I remember in Clinton's early days, there was a certain amount of incredulity right after he took office, because it was patently obvious that he was their *darling* since the early days of the primaries. I mean, they called him the "comeback kid" when he came in *SECOND*. He was regarded as the "frontrunner" without winning a single caucus or primary, early in the campaign. They loved him. His staff - the F.O.B - were just alarmed at the behavior afterwards.

I've heard Sam Donaldson make the same remarks - sorry, we do like you, but you are the President now.

But it doesn't follow that it's just a matter of perspective regarding just, who's in office at the time. Liberal bias in the major networks goes far beyond just who's in power at the time. Even when Clinton was IN the White House, it was pretty normal to depict Newt and Bob and Trent as petty vindictive little morons. During the budget crisis - when the government was shut down (by *Clinton* - the Republican's BIGGEST political mistake was to claim credit for something Clinton could have ended with a single stroke of a pen) - the Israeli prime minister Rabin was assassinated, and most of the countries' leadership left to attend his funeral. Newt wanted to take this opportunity to discuss the budget situation with Clinton, who basically told him to buzz off and continued to play "Hearts" on the plane with his staff. Further, Newt was asked to depart the plane from the rear, along with Bob Dole (this stunt was repeated in a recent episode of "Commander-in-Chief", to another Republican Speaker of the House).

Now, this was just first place rude. The press SHOULD have made Clinton look like the jerk he was being. (Newt went on record as saying, if Clinton really was sincere about wanting to resolve the crisis, he would have taken time on the plane to talk. Clinton played it down because he thought the occasion was far too solemn to sully it by dealing politics - playing *cards*, however, is more important).

Nope. *Newt* was parodied in the press as a whiny crybaby. He later wrote a book called "Lessons Learned the Hard Way", where, among other things, he observed that you can no longer just say what you think in front of the press. You have to learn to parse your words, or they'll eat you alive.

During the Monica thing - if your position were true - the press *should* have been all over the President like flies to a carcass - but they weren't. Henry Hyde was made out to be some kind of Inquisitor, the most hated man in America was Ken Starr and the most hated *woman* in America was Linda Tripp. It really doesn't matter if you supported Clinton or not - the press treated him VASTLY differently than they are treating Bush, now, with stories of much less significance.

Bustem' Down

Give Peas a Chance
Ehh, it's all about making good news. I still think that any kind of political bias is just an unfortuante by-product of that. News stations are more concerned about ratings and liberal protests give that. I just find it hard to beleive that a giant news agency run by many people would be able to accomplish a purposful bias.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
dustin said:
That was an excellent book. :yay: It's fascinating to watch liberals cannibalize.

SamSpade said:
Henry Hyde was made out to be some kind of Inquisitor, the most hated man in America was Ken Starr and the most hated *woman* in America was Linda Tripp.
This, in my opinion, was what set the stage for the ugly political discourse we have today. Maybe I just wasn't paying attention, but I don't remember it being so nasty and personal prior to Clinton. There was a time when America would never put up with the President's mouthpiece saying things like "Drag a $100 bill through a trailer court" and all the attacks and accusations hurled at anyone who dared go against their boy.

My political awakening came when Judge Wright threw out the Paula Jones case. Up until that point I believed that the little guy could get a fair shake against the powerful. Even though the press picked Jones' life apart and Clinton sicced the IRS on her, I still believed that the law would protect her and give her her day in court. After the suit was dismissed, I realized that if you have power, you can do anything you want to anyone you please, and get away with it.


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Bustem' Down said:
Ehh, it's all about making good news. I still think that any kind of political bias is just an unfortuante by-product of that. News stations are more concerned about ratings and liberal protests give that. I just find it hard to beleive that a giant news agency run by many people would be able to accomplish a purposful bias.
Three more things - one is, yes, it can be done. Goldberg's book made it clear that in some news agencies, bias was *policy*. Don't like it? There's the door.

The second thing is - journalism schools. There've been several studies showing a strong tendency towards liberalism amongst journalism graduates, just as there exists a similar conservative tendency amongst graduating engineers.

Lastly - studies and polls amongst working journalists. They strongly bias left - in some *anecdotal* observances, an entire office of dozens of staff were observed to all be voting the same way - straight Democratic.

The industry simply tends to lean that way to begin with.

I mean, no one is complaining that religious leaders tend to skew conservative - because they aren't reporting the news at night. But it goes with the territory.


Bustem' Down said:
Ehh, it's all about making good news. I still think that any kind of political bias is just an unfortuante by-product of that. News stations are more concerned about ratings and liberal protests give that. I just find it hard to beleive that a giant news agency run by many people would be able to accomplish a purposful bias.
Everybit of the major news medium is dollar driven. They are there to make money, and if liberal protests and the latest gun shootings give them that, that's what they are gonna do. This is ingrained in our society as a whole. The shock and awe, the I got to have it now syndrome.


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vraiblonde said:
My political awakening came when Judge Wright threw out the Paula Jones case. Up until that point I believed that the little guy could get a fair shake against the powerful. Even though the press picked Jones' life apart and Clinton sicced the IRS on her, I still believed that the law would protect her and give her her day in court. After the suit was dismissed, I realized that if you have power, you can do anything you want to anyone you please, and get away with it.
I didn't think she *ever* had a good case. She had to prove she had in fact, suffered damages. She couldn't. It really doesn't matter if Clinton acted like an azz - nothing illegal could be proven in court.

That's why the whole Monica thing strikes me as so tragic - it never would have happened in the first place if they'd agreed to some kind of settlement with Jones in the first place - which they ended up paying ANYWAY. Since Paula filed on the very last day she had opportunity to - she clearly didn't want to file anything - until she was attacked in the press.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
SamSpade said:
I didn't think she *ever* had a good case. She had to prove she had in fact, suffered damages. She couldn't. It really doesn't matter if Clinton acted like an azz - nothing illegal could be proven in court.
She was going for an assault charge because he put his hands on her in the course of his proposition.

But neither here nor there, sexual harassment cases with far less merit have gone to trial any number of times. And it was fascinating to watch just how far Bill Clinton would go to protect himself. Had he simply apologized to Jones for smearing her name (which is all she asked for in the beginning), none of the Lewinsky stuff would have come out, nor would he have been impeached.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
tirdun said:
Its a video overlay error on a live feed, not some "subliminal" message.

Well, so much for that theory.

A CNN switchboard operator was fired over the holiday -- after the operator claimed the 'X' placed over Vice President's Dick Cheney's face was "free speech!"

"We did it just to make a point. Tell them to stop lying, Bush and Cheney," the CNN operator said to a caller. "Bring our soldiers home."

The caller initially phoned the network to complain about the all-news channel flashing an "X' over Cheney as he gave an address live from Washington.

"Was it not freedom of speech? Yes or No?" the CNN operator explained.

"If you don't like it, don't watch."

Larry Gude

Strung Out

A CNN switchboard operator was fired over the holiday -- after the operator claimed the 'X' placed over Vice President's Dick Cheney's face was "free speech!"

I'd like to take this moment to clarify one thing:

"Liberal" is not a bad word and 'liberals' are not a problem for me or our nation.

"Leftists" are the problem. A liberal does not think that using your employers business for personal use is free speech. A liberal does not call people they disagree with a 'liar'. A liberal is not afraid of open debate or admiting wrong or that they may have learned something; far from it. A liberal seeks to
learn. Liberalism is not a faith; it is a mindset. Many of us on here have quite a few more liberal thoughts or ideas than perhaps we recognize.

Leftists, however, are of humanist faiths; socialism, communism, fascism.

And they think and operate accordingly.

So, in the future, let's call a spade a spade and a leftists a leftist, shall we?

Or is there disagreement?


Well-Known Member
PREMO Member
Larry Gude said:
I'd like to take this moment to clarify one thing:

"Liberal" is not a bad word and 'liberals' are not a problem for me or our nation.

"Leftists" are the problem. A liberal does not think that using your employers business for personal use is free speech. A liberal does not call people they disagree with a 'liar'. A liberal is not afraid of open debate or admiting wrong or that they may have learned something; far from it. A liberal seeks to
learn. Liberalism is not a faith; it is a mindset. Many of us on here have quite a few more liberal thoughts or ideas than perhaps we recognize.

Leftists, however, are of humanist faiths; socialism, communism, fascism.

And they think and operate accordingly.

So, in the future, let's call a spade a spade and a leftists a leftist, shall we?

Or is there disagreement?
I don't see a difference. I've seen rational "leftists" (by your definition) and irrational "liberals" (again, by your definition). I've seen dyed in the wool communists who are calm and collected - but are communists. I've seen people marginally left of center foam at the mouth on some issues. So I can't really pin it down. I'm just as content to use the same name for everything to the left of center. I'm just slightly careful not to use too broad a brush in describing them.

I really try NOT to be knee-jerk supporter of the right - it's just part of my nature to give people the benefit of a doubt if they're already "in my corner" and that goes for family members as well. I also try to extend the same to those I disagree with, but since I'm not already "on their side", I'm not as supportive. I'm also not as ready to rush to judgment on them, either. I'm *willing* to believe Michael Jackson is innocent, that global warming is caused by industrial emissions, that Bush lied deliberately - anything - as long as a compelling case can be made. I'm not easily convinced, and I'm never convinced on good circumstantial evidence. I think it's what makes me a good programmer and engineer - I check *everything*, even when I'm pretty certain. I'm always willing to be wrong, partly because I'm wrong often enough, and it's even MORE "wrong" to stand by a falsehood than admit a mistake.

Most of my more reactionary liberal acquaintances - and a *few* reactionary conservatives - tend to rush to judgment on very paltry evidence because it supports what they already believe. To my mind, it's gotta be beyond a *reasonable* doubt on a lot of things.

THAT's where I differ from most of my liberal friends even when we disagree.