CNN vs. Fox


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
It's always interesting to compare the front page of to CNN, everything is anti-Trump, even if they have to speculate and make it up, while Fox will actually give you the news.

Here's CNN:

Not a word about the great economy numbers, not a whisper about Rod Rosenstein's statement implicating Obama in the Russian hacking deal. Both of those are important stories.

This is why progs never have any idea what's going on in this country, let alone the world. They get fed hate-Trump BS every single day and no mention of anything of importance. That's why they say stupid things like, "There's no crisis at the border" and why they rally in defense of the repulsive pig Ilhan Omar.

FACT: Russian election meddling happened under Obama's watch and was ignored for years. Fox reports it as such.
CNN: "Donald Trump colluded with the Russians!!!!! IMPEACH!!!"

It's ridiculous and I'm not sure why we put up with this blatant propaganda calling itself "news".


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
FACT: Russian election meddling happened under Obama's watch and was ignored for years. Fox reports it as such.
CNN: "Donald Trump colluded with the Russians!!!!! IMPEACH!!!"

It's ridiculous and I'm not sure why we put up with this blatant propaganda calling itself "news".
When it wasn't them it was CBS, ABC and NBC.

They've just taken it to level 3.


Well-Known Member
I would like to know what we can do NOT to put up with it?
America has a free press and they can print anything they like.

I do not subscribe to WAPO, the NY Slimes or any other paper and as I see it that is about all we can do.
W continually bitch about the media and the President calls them Fake news which they are.

But as to what we can do so as not to put up with it, I don't know the answer.


PREMO Member
I'd imagine Transporter or Salmon lurking in the back ground on IGNORE :cds: at this post



Main Streeter
I know people want to trash CNN (they deserve it) while giving FOX a free pass. I monitor both. CNN is the Trump hater network. FOX is an extension of the Trump administration press office. They're both very biased. Just in opposite directions. To trash one while giving the other a pass is not being objective.


Main Streeter
It's always interesting to compare the front page of to CNN, everything is anti-Trump, even if they have to speculate and make it up, while Fox will actually give you the news.

Here's CNN:

Not a word about the great economy numbers, not a whisper about Rod Rosenstein's statement implicating Obama in the Russian hacking deal. Both of those are important stories.

What are you talking about? Not a word about the great economy numbers? CNN's headline right now is "US Economy Growing Way Faster Than Expected".

Also, two days ago, CNN had an article talking about how the Mueller Report did not make Obama look good.


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Board Mommy
PREMO Member
FOX is an extension of the Trump administration press office.

Not true. Fox website AND TV news bust on the President when he deserves it. I've seen it myself and social media is awash with hard righties who gripe and moan because they think Fox is going libprog. About the only exclusively conservative Trump rah-rah show is Hannity. The rest are either straight news, mixed commentary, or they at least have guests to give opposing view.

If you don't believe that, watch Bret Baier and Shep Smith. Watch Chris Wallace - he freaking HATES Trump.

FACT: the Democrat Party has made themselves a large target with infanticide, Socialism, and illegal immigration. Not to mention Ilhan Omar, AOC, and the rest of those dolts in the House. The ONLY place you will see this mentioned is on Fox. The other major media outlets just ignore it or spin it to a positive. So yes, you see more Democrat criticism on Fox but that's only because the liberal media won't cover it fairly.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What are you talking about? Not a word about the great economy numbers? CNN's headline right now is "US Economy Growing Way Faster Than Expected".

This is the CNN home page as of one minute ago:


Show me where it says anything about the economy.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
What are you talking about? Not a word about the great economy numbers? CNN's headline right now is "US Economy Growing Way Faster Than Expected".

In fact, I don't even know where you found that. It's not on the main page, it's not under Politics, it's not under US. So what rock do I have to look under to find that story on CNN?


Main Streeter
In fact, I don't even know where you found that. It's not on the main page, it's not under Politics, it's not under US. So what rock do I have to look under to find that story on CNN?

That is a screenshot of the homepage at that time I posted.


Active Member
I used to enjoy watching CNN. I liked the "hosts" and I liked getting the news from them! They had great coverage of the world news! I also used to watch Fox News, but not as often. After Trump arrived on the scene, CNN changed! It was is if Trump was a virus and infected them. Most of the news was already centered around him, and the hosts (who I used to like and enjoy) changed. All of them are such Trump Haters that it sickened my stomach to watch them. I had to stop watching CNN. I went to Fox News. In the beginning it was refreshing to watch because I no longer felt "hatred". They were very positive in their approach to Trump. This made me feel much better. But then they became sickening to me as well. Too sickening-sweet on Trump.
Too much positive and negative energies battling it out! Now I don't watch any news on tv and get my news online. I follow CNN and Fox on facebook and twitter. I can read what I want to and skip over the rest. I now enjoy watching the comments that are posted there- on facebook and twitter. I have become active with them and with some other news networks!ll


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
Last time CNN wasn't a complete mouthpiece for the DNC was when Tom Braden was on crossfire.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Last time CNN wasn't a complete mouthpiece for the DNC was when Tom Braden was on crossfire.

Their actual news - not the pundit shows - was okay. They went off the rails during the Clinton impeachment hearings but it was tolerable as long as you also got news from somewhere else. During Bush they took a sharp Left turn, and were completely in the tank during Obama, and now they've jumped off the cliff over Trump. And their ratings have nose dived as well.

I can only determine that informing the public is not their agenda, nor is garnering an audience so they can sell advertising. The only explanation is that it's a straight up propaganda network.


Well-Known Member
A recent post by Vrai:
In fact, MBFC is a great news source because it's just the facts, ma'am, and clearly explains the bias of other media outlets, both Right and Left.

What does that great source say about Fox News?
Overall, we rate Fox News strongly Right-Biased due to wording and story selection that favors the right and Mixed factually based on poor sourcing and the spreading of conspiracy theories that later must be retracted after being widely shared.

Not true. Fox website AND TV news bust on the President when he deserves it. I've seen it myself and social media is awash with hard righties who gripe and moan because they think Fox is going libprog. About the only exclusively conservative Trump rah-rah show is Hannity. The rest are either straight news, mixed commentary, or they at least have guests to give opposing view.

Fox News is most certainly biased (which is what awpitt said) and just because they have a few talking heads that don't have their heads up Trump's ass doesn't make them any less biased as a whole. Besides, if that line of thinking were true, then CNN isn't biased because they've praised Trump in the past. Specifcally, they praised him on the NORK Summit. They praised him after the Vegas shooting (to be fair, the left should like him for that considering his ruling by executive fiat regarding bump stocks stemming from the shooting). They praised him for pushing a criminal justice reform bill. etc. etc.


PREMO Member
Media Bias/Fact Check is a web site that rates factual accuracy and political bias in news media. The site classifies media sources on a political bias spectrum, as well as on the accuracy of their factual reporting. The site is run by founder and editor Dave Van Zandt.[1]

The Columbia Journalism Review describes Media Bias/Fact Check as an amateur attempt at categorizing media bias and Van Zandt as an "armchair media analyst."[2] Van Zandt describes himself as someone with "more than 20 years as an arm chair researcher on media bias and its role in political influence."[3] The Poynter Institute notes, "Media Bias/Fact Check is a widely cited source for news stories and even studies about misinformation, despite the fact that its method is in no way scientific."[4]

The site has been used by researchers at the University of Michigan to create a tool called the "Iffy Quotient", which draws data from Media Bias/Fact Check and NewsWhip to track the prevalence of 'fake news' and questionable sources on social media.[5][6] The site was also used by a research group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in initial training of an AI to fact check and detect the bias on a website.[7][8]



PREMO Member
Infowars-Alex Jones is listed in the “conspiracy/pseudo-science” category, Breitbart is listed as a “questionable source,” Daily Caller, Drudge Report and Newsmax as “right bias,” and Daily Beast, Daily Kos and Talking Points Memo as “left bias.”

Snopes, the first online fact-checking site, is rated “least biased.” The founder of the Media Bias/Fact Check website has an article detailing how the site’s methodology was used in analyzing Snopes and returning a rating of “least biased,” noting that many people on the right consider Snopes to lean left.

The Star Democrat also was rated as “Least Biased based on balanced reporting and High for factual reporting due to proper sourcing.”
“There is minimal use of loaded words and all information is sourced properly. Editorially, there is a balance between left and right views, with perhaps a slight lean left in number,” according to the site’s analysis of this paper.
