CNN vs. Fox


Board Mommy
PREMO Member

For real. Snopes is highly biased and any dummy can see it with their own eyes. Drudge Report is just an aggregator, all over the place. Not sure why Drudge would be considered "right biased".

That's the problem with these "fact checkers": they only check facts when it suits their personal bias. "Media analysts" have their own bias that skews their perception of what is actual bias. Brent Bozell, for example - he is a clearly conservative media analyst and he frankly admits it. Left leaning analysts, however, do not make their own bias clear; the pretend that they are unbiased, then proceed to use highly biased language in their own presentation and ignore the biased language in media that they agree with. In their personal opinion, "Trump attacks" is exactly what happened so it doesn't occur to them that that is in fact biased language.


Well-Known Member
I know people want to trash CNN (they deserve it) while giving FOX a free pass. I monitor both. CNN is the Trump hater network. FOX is an extension of the Trump administration press office. They're both very biased. Just in opposite directions. To trash one while giving the other a pass is not being objective.
"Monitor" in this case meaning "I repeat what I've heard other people say about what they've heard other people say about Fox News."


Well-Known Member
Anyone who does not acknowledge that, generally-speaking Fox is right of center in their reporting is being intellectually dishonest. Anyone who thinks Fox is as far right of center and biased as the rest are left of center and biased is also being intellectually dishonest.


Well-Known Member
So...let's have some fun with this bullshit rationalization shall we? We would want to disappoint the every eloquent comrade GURPS

It's always interesting to compare the front page of to CNN, everything is anti-Trump, even if they have to speculate and make it up, while Fox will actually give you the news.

The lead story on Fox "News" right now is about Jason Smollett. (I still have no idea who this guy is nor do I care.) This is the type of news that is important to you? They also have "HIGHWAY HORROR!!!" DRAMATIC PICS: Four dead in fiery wreck involving 24 cars, 4 semis and right next to that: WILD VIDEO: Hungry shark lunges up from the depths, scaring couple

This is what you call "news"??? There is no mention of the GDP numbers. ( know why? That news came out at 8:30am. It was news at 8:30am by 11:20am-the time of your post--or 1:30pm--the time I am writing this--it is no longer breaking news.

The stories on the front page of Fox "News" look more like the front page of the National Enquirer...that should not come as a sur

Here is the headline for the same truck crash that was noted above: Four dead in I-70 accident, truck driver to face charges

Do you even see the difference??? I doubt it.

Not a word about the great economy numbers, not a whisper about Rod Rosenstein's statement implicating Obama in the Russian hacking deal. Both of those are important stories.

Actually, the GDP story IS still on the front page at

This is why progs never have any idea what's going on in this country, let alone the world. They get fed hate-Trump BS every single day and no mention of anything of importance. That's why they say stupid things like, "There's no crisis at the border" and why they rally in defense of the repulsive pig Ilhan Omar.

If you weren't such a god damned cultist and you actually looked at the front pages of CNN and Fox "News", you would clearly see there is more actual news on the CNN site. Is it biased left yes. Fox "News" is biased right. Fox "News" is also laid out for morons....for National Enquirer type readers.

BTW...there WAS no crisis at the border before Trump. NOW there is a humanitarian crisis. Why is that? Because the policies of the current administration created it. Keep telling people you are gonna close the border...what do they do? They rush the border. Cut off aid and all forms of assistance that are designed to keep people in their own country, what are they gonna do? They are going to leave. I know you can't understand this've largely proven yourself too incapable of understanding cause and effect. You only know what you are told by Trump and his mouthpieces.

FACT: Russian election meddling happened under Obama's watch and was ignored for years. Fox reports it as such.

And what Fox "News" consistently ignores is that the Russians interfered in our election to benefit Donald Trump. THAT IS ALSO FACT. It was a fact reported by the intelligence agencies at the end of 2016 or very beginning of 2017. (I know you haven't bothered to read the Mueller report. How could you...I doubt you can read the label on a can of soup.)

CNN: "Donald Trump colluded with the Russians!!!!! IMPEACH!!!"

Actually no, that is not what CNN is saying. CNN said, based on Barr's false narrative about the Mueller report, that the report was good news for the President. When the world (other than you and most on here) actually read the report, the narrative changed. Why? Because the report lays out well defined instances of obstruction committed by the President. The report also lays out why no charges were filed against the President. Fox "News" simply repeats the script from the White House press secretary: "No collusion. No obstruction."

It's ridiculous and I'm not sure why we put up with this blatant propaganda calling itself "news".

If you had any actual concept of what propaganda was, you would shut this POS site down...because propaganda is generally all that is posted on here. dialywire, dailycaller, townhall, redstate, breitbart are not news sources...christ they aren't even opinion sites...they are pure propaganda. Why, because they generally fail to get the facts right and they rarely do their own reporting All they can do is cut and paste from other news sources.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
No. That would be incorrect.

Sorry, it is correct. Anyone who actually watches Fox's news shows - not Sean Hannity, now, but the actual news as in Bret Baier's Special Report - would not say that there is a discernible bias. Their daytime and weekend shows lean Left, not Right.

I think perhaps the problem lies in that so much of the other "news" shows are hard Left biased, pro-Democrat, and overly critical of Republicans. So when you see actual unbiased news, it appears right-wing because compared to CNN/NBC/CBS/etc it is.

Lefties have become conditioned to believe that "refugees" have a right to come over here as they want, in whatever manner they choose, and anyone who says different is Hitler. So when a news anchor doesn't expressly state that opinion, Lefties think he's a Trumpbot. They think far-Left Juan Williams is normal, and middle of the roader Tucker Carlson is an extremist. That's how conditioning works.

Chris Wallace is not a conservative - in fact he is a liberal Democrat. Please tell me what Republican conservative hosts a show on CNN or MSNBC.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Anyone who does not acknowledge that, generally-speaking Fox is right of center in their reporting is being intellectually dishonest.

And that is not true. You accept it as fact because you hear libprogs say it every day. But Fox's reporting is refreshingly unbiased. The pundit shows in the evening lean Right, but not the actual news shows.

I get really fed up with people parroting the libprog line that Fox news is all Sean Hannity. That is NOT true. Hannity has one show and it is clearly punditry and entertainment, not news. The Left hypes him as some guru, just like they make Rush Limbaugh out to be a leading news man, but those two are pundits and entertainers, NOT news reporters.


Well-Known Member
A recent post by Vrai:

What does that great source say about Fox News?

Fox News is most certainly biased (which is what awpitt said) and just because they have a few talking heads that don't have their heads up Trump's ass doesn't make them any less biased as a whole. Besides, if that line of thinking were true, then CNN isn't biased because they've praised Trump in the past. Specifcally, they praised him on the NORK Summit. They praised him after the Vegas shooting (to be fair, the left should like him for that considering his ruling by executive fiat regarding bump stocks stemming from the shooting). They praised him for pushing a criminal justice reform bill. etc. etc.

Aaaannnnddddd..... scene! :lmao:



Board Mommy
PREMO Member
And one more thing before I have to move on to more productive things:

Jennifer Rubin is billed as a "conservative columnist" for the WashPo. In fact she is a hard Left liberal, and you can see it clearly in the way she gushes over various Democrat politicians and tweets her hatred of all Republicans. I have never once seen her express a conservative opinion, yet to WashPo she is a "conservative".

So perhaps it's all in your perspective. If you are freaking Bernie Sanders crazy Left, you might think someone who is slightly to the right of you is conservative.


Beloved Misanthrope
PREMO Member
So perhaps it's all in your perspective. If you are freaking Bernie Sanders crazy Left, you might think someone who is slightly to the right of you is conservative.
Like that "right-wing zealot" Daniel Patrick Moynihan.


Well-Known Member


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Well-Known Member
And that is not true. You accept it as fact because you hear libprogs say it every day. But Fox's reporting is refreshingly unbiased. The pundit shows in the evening lean Right, but not the actual news shows.

I accept it as fact because I've, in the past, watched their reporting. I do not watch the pundit shows, I watched the news shows.

They are far closer to center than any other out there (except C-SPAN, which just shows you what happened), but they are still right of center. They are far less biased than any other news channel, but they still make editorial decisions of what to cover and how to cover it, just like every other news station, and they are right of center most of the time.

If I were looking for the most unbiased network, I'd pick Fox. But, it's still biased, and biased right of center most of the time. Just, not much (especially when seen in comparison to the other channels and how far left they are).


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Which was incorrect.

Stop it. You personally do not merely repeat the talking points, but I hear/see them every single day. There is a large percentage of Democrats who think Fox does nothing but spew hate and vitriol and white supremacy, and that everything they report is a lie. No kidding, I have had long time friends block me on FB simply because I suggested they watch Bret Baier or The Five. I see these people rant and rave on Twitter every single day.

The narrative is that Fox is all Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, and demons will take over your soul if you so much as flip past it on TV. This cannot be a revelation to you - these people are highly vocal. If nothing else, you've definitely seen them on here.