I agree. There are alot of artists out there that convey a powerful message to their listeners and society and they should exercise more restraint in what they do promote, however I don't think they should be sued for what the kids choose to do because they heard it in a song. Its the parents jobs to explain to the kids what kinds of things in society are good and bad.... teach kid morals (something that cannot be taught on the street or in public schools)
I would like to cite a few good examples though. If you saw the Juvenile video that was in response to the Hurricane Katrina cleanup... that was interesting. I know it had the anti bush theme but what happened down there was unnacceptable.
There have been alot of artists that work with the USO and have performed for the troops in combat zones as well as US Navy ships...
Sean Paul performed on the USS Iwo Jima in the Persian Gulf when I was over there.
Other artists have performed in Iraq and Kuwait for the troops... Toby Keith & Ted Nugent performed in Fallujah.
These are a list of other artists that have "performed" in combat zones however just not in person...
I personally enjoyed such offensive artists music being played from loudspeakers in Iraq such as AC/DC, Slipknot, Metallica, Marilyn Manson...
There is nothing like riding down the road blasting gangsta rap music in a military vehicle sitting behind a 50. cal machinegun --- Its the ultimate driveby!