This is the one I wrote and posted right around the time His Eminence died. It's certainly not as funny as the ones in the Post.
Here Comes Mr. Jordan
<HR style="COLOR: #e5e5cc" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->Interesting chain of events: Johnny Cochrane dies, then Terri Schiavo, then Frank Perdue, and then the Pope. Imagine for a moment the "Here Comes Mr. Jordan" scenario of the passage from this life to the hereafter....some place in the clouds, a big airliner is boarding a long string of folks, when up walk this little quartet of notables.
Here stands the Check-in Angel, and he starts looking each of them up on the list.
"Let's see...Schiavo....Schiavo - ah! There you are, my dear. You're in seat 6A. Mr. Cochrane, we're still checking our records, we'll let you know what we find out."
"Okay, Perdue...Perdue... Ah! Mr. Perdue, you're in seat 33B. Mr. Cochrane, we're - "
"I know," says Johnny. "You're still looking. Well you know what? I'm a successful attorney, and I can tell when I'm being pushed around and shrugged off. I want to see your Supervisor."
The Pope turns wearily and looks at Mr. Cochrane.
"My son, consider what has happened here. A woman who has hurt no one was very rapidly processed and seated in First Class. A fellow who believed in Christ as his personal saviour but sent millions of chickens to their deaths has been quickly given a middle seat in coach. "
"Now here we are, you a defense attorney of some repute, and I the Pope. As a Godly and meek man, I can await my turn in deference to you, showing my Christlike ability to be self-effacing. Or, I can be a little more direct with you than this fine Angel has done, and tell you this: You're in the wrong line!! Both destinations begin with "H" but your destination only has 4 letters in its name!"
"Ah," said the Angel. "Forgive me for interrupting, but we need to complete the boarding process. Your Eminence, you're in seat 1A. Mr. Cochrane, I'm sorry, but we don't honor the other airline's tickets here. You can find them boarding down THAT way..."
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