My family is thinking of getting a Cocker Spaniel puppy. I have been doing some research on them and it seems like they are pretty good dogs? Does anybody know anything about them? If so, are they good with young children?
We got her. She is 3 months old. So far so good but it is only day 3. She follows my kids around everywhere.
She is adorable! Make sure to well socialize her.
We got her. She is 3 months old. So far so good but it is only day 3. She follows my kids around everywhere.
We got her. She is 3 months old. So far so good but it is only day 3. She follows my kids around everywhere.
ketelone she is a very pretty puppy. My aunt and uncle have a cocker and hes black just like your dog. He has never had a problem with kids (my aunt and uncle have 2).
You won't regret it. I grew up with Cockers and they are the best dogs. I walked ours so much that I didn't need a leash (although I always had one on him). He knew the path we took so well, he'd just walk without hesitation.
aww...when i got bruno at 7 weeks of age we took her out every 15 to 30min during the day until we went to bed which was normally around 10pm and we got up 1x during the night to take her out (about 1am) then we put her back to bed til 6 then got up with her for good for teh day and repeated the process over and over til she was about 5months old then we started getting it to where she woulld go longer and longer without bathroom breaks. Now when she has to go she just whines or jumps up on me and bites me to get my attention. (bruno is also crate trained) which is a good thing to do as they have a safe place for them to go to and also they wont have accidents where they sleep. Now bruno is 10 months old and weighs over 80lbs shes going to be a horse when all said and done.
When will they stop having accidents where they sleep. She rolled in it last night while she was in her crate. This is the first time I have ever crate trained a dog.
I thought the whole reason for crate training was because they don't go to the bathroom where they sleep.Ours never had an accident in her crate unless she had an upset tummy. Lucky us because we have an Alaskan Malmute (over 100lbs) and her "accidents" were massive. Give Hershey time, she is probably just adjusting to her surroundings.
I am sure it will come with time. She may have a little bit of an upset stomach. She was on some all organic food and we switched it. We are a military family and wanted to get her on a dog food that was not just available in certain areas.
Yep, switching food probably did it. Ours got into some yucky water in the drainage pipe in our backyard and got some sort of bacteria infection. Put a cap on the pipe and has been good to go since then. May want to try to slowly ease her onto the new food. Mix the organic stuff with the new stuff and decrease the organic food.
That's what we are doing. She goes for her first check up tomorrow so I will also mention it to the vet if it continues today.
Good luck at the vets tomorrow.