Coconut Oil


Active Member
Had a new coconut expeirence last night (not related to the bedroom) ..........

Wife and I occasionally induldge with a pint of Ben and Jerry's that we share after the kids go to bed. Well this time, she's holding an ice cream container in her hand a spoonful of chocolate ice cream in the other. She says "open up" which is usually code for "try this new 'crunchy' product I've found". Anyhow, I give it a go and met with a very nice experience. It was chocolate "ice cream" but made with conconut milk and other coconut "things." Flavor wise it was definately chocolate with an underlying hint of cononut. Very silky/smooth in texture ..... almost like a frozen mouse or custard. Very good. We compared it to another container of Ben and Jerry's and they were very similar in overall "scores" which surprised me, but it was made with more natural components. And as mentioned above, whereas it still had a high fat content (typical of ice cream), it was driven by a better kind of fat. Good stuff.

To my original statement above, I guess it could be related to the bedroom too ..........


Wow, one use and I feel brand new. Did some research and appears unrefined is best. It smells and taste like coconut. I could not find the brand you shared, PO. Walmart sells Spring Valley Organic Extra Virgin Coconut oil. This stuff is great.

Thank you, PsyOps. Tell your wife to give you a hug for me!

What else ya got? Anything else you use and love? lol

I get mine at Safeway.

I've been saying it... get the carbs out and the fats and cholesterol in. Avocados are great too. Fish (salmon, sardines, cod...). Any kind of nuts except peanuts. Lots of eggs. It's really hard making that shift away from all those things we've come to love: pasta, potatoes (sweet potatoes are ok), sugar, processed foods... But carbs are what is destroying us on the inside; and is the contributor to obesity and diabetes. And eating this way will make you feel better.

EDIT: Oh yeah... unsweetened almond milk.
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I've asked it and it just sits and stares at me.

You have to ask nicely.
