Coles is going...

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Laverneus Coles, one of the Skins best players, one of the best in the league, wants out.

Seems he doesn't believe in where the team is going.

This is bad.


Nothing to see here
Larry Gude said:
Laverneus Coles, one of the Skins best players, one of the best in the league, wants out.

Seems he doesn't believe in where the team is going.

This is bad.

Good riddance as long as the Skins get some of his bonus money back to take care of the cap hit we took to get him.We need believers in the system, not whiners, let him go. We want a team, not players looking for individual glory.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'd say he has NOT been part...

...of the problem. The guy is tough as nails and played hurt the whole year. Plus, he kept his opinions to himself until the proper time, off season.

He's a small speedster who is best stretching the field and he was getting pummeled on short crossing routes I guess they couldn't get Gardner or other big guys to run.

It ain't good when a guy like Coles doesn't want to be part of your system.

I do agree that the money was insane but that's Redskins world. If anyone earned it though, he did.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I say we set a new standard...

...of profligacy.

PAY him another, oh, 10, $20 mil, maybe 30 and just cut him. We'll show the rest of them teams how it's done!

While we're at it, anyone wanna give us, oh, $50-60 mil for Brunnel?

Can we trade him for Danny Wurffel?