Colo. woman killed by pack of dogs


Nothing to see here
Colo. woman killed by pack of dogs

Residents say pit bulls have been terrorizing them for months


DENVER, Dec. 2 — A woman was killed in a gruesome attack by a pack of pit bull dogs that residents say had been a roaming menace for months. Two other men were injured, one escaping only after his son shot at the dogs.

rest of the story


Originally posted by otter
DENVER, Dec. 2 — A woman was killed in a gruesome attack by a pack of pit bull dogs that residents say had been a roaming menace for months.

So for months now no one did anything about the problem. :boo:


Cleopatra Jones
Re: Re: Colo. woman killed by pack of dogs

Originally posted by justhangn
So for months now no one did anything about the problem. :boo:


And I'm not saying that they weren't Pit Bulls but I'd like to start seeing some pictures of the dogs in question. When that Presa Canario killed that teacher a couple years back there were pictures of it EVERYWHERE!


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by *archimedes*
I doubt you will see any pics. This is Colorado, not that sissy-hole San Francisco. They gunned those dogs down like vermine and probably threw the corpses in a ditch.

I'm sure there won't be any pictures. There never are. That Presa case is the only one I can every remember seeing pictures with. But it would be nice to be able to judge for myself instead of having to take someone else's word for it.


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
I'm sorry - I think my hearing (seeing?) is starting to go. What kind of dogs did you say those were, Otter?



Not dead yet.
An old friend of mine used to raise Pit Bulls and his dogs were always nice. Of course the same adjective could be used to describe my guns, they're also nice. I just wouldn't let my guns loose to run around the neighborhood menacing people or acdidentally going off.

The point is that Pit Bulls may be great pets, but they still have a tremendous capacity to do harm, just like a gun. I think people should be allowed to own both responsibly. Go raise elephants for all I care, just don't get upset when somebody kills it because it got loose and stepped on the neighbor kid.

Man I'm in a weird mood.:crazy:


Regardless of what kind of dogs they are, if they are packing together and being a menace, they should have been terminated.


Well-Known Member
I fail to understand why people insist on owning a dangerous breed of any animal. I would have terminated those dogs the very first time they demonstrated incorrect behavior and dumped their bodies on their owners doorstep with a smile.:biggrin:


24/7 Single Dad
Originally posted by Bonehead
I fail to understand why people insist on owning a dangerous breed of any animal. I would have terminated those dogs the very first time they demonstrated incorrect behavior and dumped their bodies on their owners doorstep with a smile.:biggrin:

What breed of dog isn't dangerous? "No, he doesn't bite" means "he doesn't bite me."
They're all carnivorous animals and you're meat. If they're raised to be gentle odds are they won't bite you. But they all have the capicaty to chomp.


Princess of Mean
Originally posted by Bonehead
I fail to understand why people insist on owning a dangerous breed of any animal

It isn't the breed, it's the irresponsible owners. Shoot them, rehab the dogs:biggrin:

(ok, I understand the need to put vicious dogs to death, but dogs don't start out naturally vicious. Bad owners make bad dogs)


Cleopatra Jones
Originally posted by Hello6
It isn't the breed, it's the irresponsible owners. Shoot them, rehab the dogs:biggrin:

(ok, I understand the need to put vicious dogs to death, but dogs don't start out naturally vicious. Bad owners make bad dogs)

You sure you don't wanna be my girlfriend instead?



Originally posted by Hello6

I love tuna, tuna tuna tuna fish!!

:blushing: :blushing: :blushing: