Colon Cleansing Kit


Harley Rider
I can't believe that people fall for this crap. Humans, and other animals have survived for millenia, but we suddenly need a PhD (note, not an MD) to sell us something to cleanse our colons.
Has anyone here ever had a colonoscopy? Did you see the pictures? Was your colon covered in plaque or any other "tar?" Mine wasn't.
Yeah buddy! Where's the FDA on this? Are they getting a cut of the profits maybe? I had my first colonoscopy a month ago and, for some reason, I was awake through the enitre procedure. As I watched the tv screen, I told the doctor that it looked real clean to me and he said it does and that was a good thing. Very clean and no polyps! I saw no rubber tire murky build up there after 53 years of eating. Now that nasty magnesium sulfate (citrate?) that I had to drink tasted like lighter fluid but, after the first hour, what came out was only clear liquid. If we ever need a cleansing, I don't see why anyone can't just use that. It killed me to drink 2 bottles of it because one really did the job. Why can't they make it taste better? EEWWW! We really need to beware of these scams. Consumer Reports say that the "Virtual Colonoscopy" is not that good at finding polyps and, if they find any, you still need to go through the regular procedure to remove them. There are many other "pill" scams that I've read about in Consumer reports also. It's worth our time to read up on them.


Yeah buddy! Where's the FDA on this? Are they getting a cut of the profits maybe? I had my first colonoscopy a month ago and, for some reason, I was awake through the enitre procedure. As I watched the tv screen, I told the doctor that it looked real clean to me and he said it does and that was a good thing. Very clean and no polyps! I saw no rubber tire murky build up there after 53 years of eating. Now that nasty magnesium sulfate (citrate?) that I had to drink tasted like lighter fluid but, after the first hour, what came out was only clear liquid. If we ever need a cleansing, I don't see why anyone can't just use that. It killed me to drink 2 bottles of it because one really did the job. Why can't they make it taste better? EEWWW! We really need to beware of these scams. Consumer Reports say that the "Virtual Colonoscopy" is not that good at finding polyps and, if they find any, you still need to go through the regular procedure to remove them. There are many other "pill" scams that I've read about in Consumer reports also. It's worth our time to read up on them.

Just eat some kale or some good turnip greens. Works everytime. :blushing:

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Or feeling a bit shiat faced.

I'm still laughing over the smiley faced pictures next to fecal matter, like they are proud of it or something. Look at me :biggrin: -----> here are my turds

:barf: I should not have clicked on that. It made me seriously gag.


In My Opinion
if only you could figure a way to make somebody consume that product without their knowing it.

can you imagine the screams from the bathroom when they give birth to the bowel snake? and they dont know why???


:pete: Why did I look at that?

Thats funny! just like when they have the warning on the news "warning graphic photos or video" or on the computer, I just gotta click on it or watch it! don't know why just human nosiness I guess!


In My Opinion
Thats funny! just like when they have the warning on the news "warning graphic photos or video" or on the computer, I just gotta click on it or watch it! don't know why just human nosiness I guess!
slow down going past accidents to get a look do you?