Colonrectal Screening

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Thank you all very much!!!!

Needless to say, I'm a little nervous & reading all the positive responses makes me feel much better.

MMDad - the 'turning the corner bit' pain..Hmmmm? Weren't you knocked out totally? Also, I'm not familiar with the long scope vs. short scope, but I know I want to be totally out, so hopefully the 'long scope' is in my future...:killingme

I'm going to Google to see what the difference is (other than length, obviously).

Dupontster - Excellent; that's the Dave Berry story I linked to in my original post. Some funny stuff...

One last question?
What's the stuff taste like that you have to drink the night before? Hopefully not like Metamucil...:barf:

I think everyone feels pain when they "turn the corner." Just groan and they'll give you more pain meds. It doesn't hurt for long - maybe a couple seconds. You'll remember it, but not much.

I know they can give you a pill now for the night before. My stuff tasted like bay water and I mixed it with lemonade or something, just a little bit of lemonade or something, to take the crappy taste off of it. And then just chuck it down. Don't sip, just drink it. FAST. You'll spend the night on the toilet. And when they say "don't drink anything in the a.m." they mean ANYTHING cause it will shoot right through you.

Have fun. It's not THAT bad. I've had worse things done to me (by doctors). :huggy:


nunya bidnis
That stuff tastes horrible. I plan to drink it in a shot glass as undiluted as possible then chase with lemonade next time. It was bad even mixed with lemonade the first time. I threw up a little on the second round.
The rest was the easy.:buddies:


Would THIS face lie?
No the take you to dinner and a movie first. :dye:

Couldn't help it. Sorry!:killingme

Dayumn, all I got was a mediun pepperoni pizza and a Bud Light....I must be easy....

Don't worry about a thing Seabreeze....It really isn't anything to it...


My 401K is now a 201K
Dayumn, all I got was a mediun pepperoni pizza and a Bud Light....I must be easy....

Don't worry about a thing Seabreeze....It really isn't anything to it...

Thank you for the encouraging words.

I'm starting to 'loosen up' about it...:killingmethe more folks I talk to, the less apprehension I have.

When I'm done I'll fill out my certificate & proudly hang
it by my desk.

If you request, they'll give you pictures that you can share with co-workers...

I didn't request them, but got them anyway. I promptly scanned and emailed them..... :biggrin:

I've had it done 3 times by that office. The absolute worst part is drinking the laxative the night before. I don't react well with the anesthesia, and can't eat anything for 24-48 hours after the procedure. Comes right back up again. They give you another drug which is supposed to suppress your memory of the event, but it doesn't work on me. I distinctly remember looking up at the screen, seeing a polyp and asking if that was a polyp, right before he snipped it. I do remember the discomfort THAT caused.....