Color Me Beautiful


Board Mommy
PREMO Member
Anyone remember that? It occurred to me this morning when I was getting dressed and putting on my face that practically every clothing and makeup decision I make is based on my Fall coloring, as prescribed by CMB.

I tend to be a Fashion Don't because I'm just not into it, and this was a handy guide to prevent me from looking like a dork all the time. And I rarely stray from my Fall recipe.

Just musing... Anyone else still stick to the CMB method or am I the only geek?


professional daydreamer
Anyone remember that? It occurred to me this morning when I was getting dressed and putting on my face that practically every clothing and makeup decision I make is based on my Fall coloring, as prescribed by CMB.

I tend to be a Fashion Don't because I'm just not into it, and this was a handy guide to prevent me from looking like a dork all the time. And I rarely stray from my Fall recipe.

Just musing... Anyone else still stick to the CMB method or am I the only geek?


Dye Tied

Garden Variety Gnome

The consultant could never tell me exactly what I was. I could go Winter or Fall so I just color myself how I feel.
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USMC 1983-1995
:buddies: I do! I'm spring. Or was before my hair started turning gray. Still tend to go that way tho.


Having Fun!
I remember it! Actually still have a copy somewhere on my bookshelf. I could never decide if I was a Fall or Winter so I just bounce between them with the colors I like, based upon my mood and what time of the year it is.


Hot Flash
Eons ago a BC consultant was a good customer of mine. I would have her and several of her group come into the store on Saturdays and do makeovers. I learned I was not supposed to wear yellow gold and beige tint pantyhose were a :nono: I'm a Winter and my best color is black. Yes, I still follow "the rules". I wasn't crazy about their makeup.


Well-Known Member
I remember this! :lol: I always hated that I was a spring/summer because the colors were so yucky. Blue eyeshadow what a fashion DON'T!
yw. I`ve always been nice 2 ya, and 2 the majority. Ladies are special. No crime 2 say Hey. the 1s that have zero clue, never will.

Lien contractuel et bien relié, et pas seulement dans mon esprit et de la vie.
Je vis une vie très agréable propre et vrai.
Always. :D

What he said...:yeahthat:


New Member
I could never hang

With the CMB concept now-a-days. Considering I'm a new hair color each month. (very chemically dependent to color) lol That would just give me reason to shop more on which "color or season" I am.


New Member
Unfortunately, my mom has always been a big proponent of wearing the right colors and it has been engrained in my brain since childhood.... so I still only wear "my" colors. I'm pretty sure I was taken to one of those Color Me Beautiful parties when I was 7..... Sad, I know! I'm a spring.


Adopt me please !
Ok I went and checked the CMB website. After I choose my hair color shade ..... if I say my hair is a warm tone it says I am Autumn and If I say cool then I'm Winter. I think I fall more into the "jean gal" look so what season is that? LOL Unless instead of blue jeans I'm supposed to wear other colors? :coffee:

I'm Autumn, and it fits me perfectly...


New Member
skin tones

Anyone remember that? It occurred to me this morning when I was getting dressed and putting on my face that practically every clothing and makeup decision I make is based on my Fall coloring, as prescribed by CMB.

I tend to be a Fashion Don't because I'm just not into it, and this was a handy guide to prevent me from looking like a dork all the time. And I rarely stray from my Fall recipe.

Just musing... Anyone else still stick to the CMB method or am I the only geek?

Go by the color of your teeth sounds strange i know !!! its all to do with warm shades or cool tones, If your teeth are on the white side cool tones if they arn't warm tones, and if there faulse then ur screwed lol :dye: BUT ALL TRUE


Hot Flash
Ok I went and checked the CMB website. After I choose my hair color shade ..... if I say my hair is a warm tone it says I am Autumn and If I say cool then I'm Winter. I think I fall more into the "jean gal" look so what season is that? LOL Unless instead of blue jeans I'm supposed to wear other colors? :coffee:

It's the color you wear next to your face that matters. How can you judge if you are cool or warm? You need an expert!

Seriously, most people know when a color looks good on them and when a color makes them look sickly. It has nothing to do with good hair days and whatnot.


Well-Known Member
I'm with Wenchy. It says I'm an Autumn based on my hair color. I have dark chocolate hair with copper highlights. The sun has lightened it a few shades. I base my colors on my skin tone (olive but very tan now) and my eye color (light green with blue and topaz). I can't read the list of autumn colors. I use dark peachy blushes. For my eye shadows I use browns and dark plums. I don't wear lipstick but I do wear slighlty tinted lip gloss (Cherry Coca Cola or Dr. Pepper Lip Smacker).
My mom is still stuck in the 70s and 80s with her green eye shadow that matches her eye color and does nothing to bring out her pretty eyes. But then again she's still sporting the same modified mullet she's had as far back as I can remember. She keeps brassy highlights which look like crap on her beautiful golden olive skin. I've tried to talk to about it as has her colorist but she refuses to update her look.:ohwell: