Dancing Up A Storm
You know, I think I have seen a couple of kids in either Wal*Mart or Target with a pacifier in their lips, but I put it down to some goofy quirk kids always seem to be adopting these days.Nickel said:No kidding, that's why a lot of young people have pacifiers...
Now yesterday, where I work, a teenager(young man) comes in with 3 rings in his lower lip, a stud in his left nostril, another ring in his eyebrow, and numerous stick pins and rings in both ears.
But that wasn't what made me do a double-take; he's got a steel or chrome ring about a half-inch in diameter in each of his lower lobes!! They are hollow, and reminded me of a picture I saw of an African tribesman with rings somehow inserted in the same part of the lower ear. This guy was white, however.
He's got these baggy shapeless pants(jeans) on, the waistline of them is resting somewhere in the middle of his butt, striped underwear(about 3 inches visible), got a baseball cap on, cocked to the right side of his head, toothpick hanging out of one corner of his mouth.. He comes up to the counter where I was talking to a fellow co-worker, and say's "Hi Mom", to the lady also working there.
I expected her to have a shocked look on her face, but noooo. she exclaims "Hi honey, soooo nice to see you!!", and bends over the counter to give him a big hug.
If I ever came into my mom's workplace looking anywhere near the way this kid did, she'd have shot me on sight and asked questions later.
No wonder these kids affect these weird practices, because parents don't seem to mind how outlandish they look.