Comanche Killed

So much for the Orange County Chopper doing any good



New Member
The government is cutting back on alot of programs, right now. I think this follows their typical routine during extensive deployments. I know of several programs in the Navy that are either being axed or slowed/postponed...

Most of the programs will start back-up once the extended deployments slow down.


New Member
I agree with the Repugs on this one. This I believe was a George Bush I program along with Clinton pushing through as well. Not a political thing, just frugal. I think we can afford to put Stealth Technology on the backburner for now. Nobody except the Russians can come near us in any theater whatsoever right now even in close quarter helicopter type combat. Helicopters have been used lately in recon operations mostly anyway. Bush just cut the stealth tank howitzer program as well. I got no problem with that either.

We got plenty in the lockeroom waitin for these chumps. Don't worry.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
Looks like...

The Comanche program was started in 1983

...Reagan, not Bush.

The problem is that helicopters are just to low and slow, by nature of the missions they fill, to justify that kind of money.

Mogadishu and now Iraq have made accepting an incredibly expensive machine that can be shot down by a $500 RPG a bad idea.

We can have many more Blackhawks and other current machines do the job acceptably well without the huge expense.

Choppers were, are and always will be a dangerous job.