

Well-Known Member
Ok, got one of these things on my mailbox - says COMCAST will be digging in my neighborhood in the next few days to replace cable - and some statement about how it's the law to do this or that about it.

So - COMCAST is digging and replacing cables, down my stretch of road.

Does this mean - Breezeline is getting competition - or being replaced?


Well-Known Member
Comcast is running new service. Breezeline will still be an option.
If that's true - I'm thrilled. I live on a road where - well - not enough people live down my road, I always figured COMCAST would just ignore it. Even Verizon didn't bother. Guessing it must be a lot easier to run cable these days than it used to be.


Honorary SMIB
If that's true - I'm thrilled. I live on a road where - well - not enough people live down my road, I always figured COMCAST would just ignore it. Even Verizon didn't bother. Guessing it must be a lot easier to run cable these days than it used to be.
That will give you two cable companies to bitch and moan about.

I have to ask what's going on. Usually a jurisdiction grants just one company the franchise for an area (FIOS is a bit different).


Well-Known Member
That will give you two cable companies to bitch and moan about.

I have to ask what's going on. Usually a jurisdiction grants just one company the franchise for an area (FIOS is a bit different).
I think that's largely because of logistics - it's hard to justify tearing up the ground for each competing cable company. At least, that's what I always ASSUMED was the case - if a new cable company comes in, they buy the old one - because they're just not going to lay down another set of cables.

It's why I wondered - is it just - easier to do that now? Because I can tell you, it's friggin' high time that cable companies HAD competition. As long as they have none, there's no compelling reason to keep down prices - or manage costs well.

Last I saw, Breezeline intended to go completely streaming for their service - something I'm not keen on. While I sort of - "get it" - I mean, if they're just a streaming service, they don't really need to provide a lot of the service they maintain and I imagine ANYONE in the country can subscribe to them - I mean, they become just like YouTube TV or Hulu+ or whatever - I've had it up to here with streaming services that just - stop downloading or have sudden buffering slowdowns.

I wouldn't mind hearing from people who have Xfinity down here in St Mary's.


Well-Known Member
Ok, got one of these things on my mailbox - says COMCAST will be digging in my neighborhood in the next few days to replace cable - and some statement about how it's the law to do this or that about it.

So - COMCAST is digging and replacing cables, down my stretch of road.

Does this mean - Breezeline is getting competition - or being replaced?
I heard a rumor from more than one source that says Comcast is buying Breezeline. So, still no competition, if that's true.


Well-Known Member
So they inherit the lousy infrastructure?
No Gee, they buy it!
Ha Ha.png


Well-Known Member
They started digging in my lawn today.

Why do I have a feeling that - no matter what - this is never going to affect my cable experience, for better ot worse?

I asked one of the workers - is this replacing old cable, or putting in new cable? He said "new cable" in a way that suggested to me he barely understood what I was asking. I made a comment about Comcast and he just smiled and nodded. Nope, he didn't understand me.


Well-Known Member
I heard a rumor from more than one source that says Comcast is buying Breezeline. So, still no competition, if that's true.
That could happen - but it wouldn't make sense in lieu of the tremendous effort expended across my area of the county where I saw road crews digging up cables - inserting NEW ONES in - and replacing those boxes up and down the roads. Either they are placing competing cable - or replacing existing Breezeline cable to take over. But I am betting on the the first, because it makes more sense to me.

What I can't figure out is when Xfinity is going online in these places - most of the road crews have closed shop over the last week and gone home, without their flags or markers or piles of cable sitting around. I mean, it looks like they're done. So when does it go online for us?