I see the Media Brainwashing is working
Most back gun restrictions after shootings, Trump ratings down
An equal number, 56 percent, place a great deal of blame for mass shootings on easy access to guns and a lack of services for mentally ill people with violent tendencies. Four in 10 blame expressions of white nationalism (40 percent) and inadequate parenting (39 percent). About a third point to sentiments expressed by President Trump (34 percent) and anti-immigrant sentiment (33 percent). Less than a quarter say violent video games (23 percent) and sentiments expressed by Democratic political leaders (15 percent).
Democrats are most likely to blame easy access to guns (79 percent), expressions of white nationalism (62 percent), and Trump (59 percent). For Republicans, it’s a lack of services for mental illness (60 percent), bad parenting (54 percent), and access to guns (32 percent).
When voters are asked to say in their own words why mass shootings happen more often in the U.S. than elsewhere, their top three responses are: access to guns (35 percent), mental health issues (22 percent), and Trump rhetoric (10 percent).
a little hard to read .........
57% of democrats survayed want to live in a country where guns are banned
84% of Republicans do not
View attachment 139968
42. Easy access to guns: How much do you think each of the following is to blame for mass shootings in the United States over the last few years?
A great deal
Dem:: 79%
Rep: 32%
In: 46%
Dem: 26%
Rep: 18%
IN: 23%
40. Public and online expressions of white nationalism: How much do you think each of the following is to blame for massshootings in the United States over the last few years?
A great deal
Dem:: 62%
Rep: 19%
In: 29%
Dem: 27%
Rep: 29%
IN: 33%