Community Service

BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
Greenwell Park or whatever it is lets the kids muck out stalls and work with the kids.....I am thinking about volunteering there just to do it.


Super Genius
janey83 said:
301 475 4200 and ask to be switched to community service, bada bing!
Got it on speed dial? :lmao:

I did community service (for a speeding ticket) at Point Lookout...I don't recommend doing service there. In the winter it's not too bad (mostly picking up trash from the litterbug "migrant workers"), but I heard that it's brutal in the summer when you have to mow grass (push-mower) and weed-whack. I heard volunteering at the firehouses is easy.


New Member
Your daughter needs to go in person to the Leonardtown Courthouse (the old courthouse) and go upstairs to the States Attorney's Office (Criminal) on the second floor and speak to Cathy Conlon. She is in charge of the community service program and she is the only one that can help you with community service. She's the only one able to access that computer database. They only enroll you certain hours of the day and certain days of the week so it's best to call and see if she is there before you make the trip. Your daughter will need to take her court order with her and fill out the required paperwork with Cathy and pay the $25 fee to enter the program. She will have a list of things she can do from washing police cars, helping special olympics, working in consignment stores, etc.


This Space for Rent
sdm said:
Your daughter needs to go in person to the Leonardtown Courthouse (the old courthouse) and go upstairs to the States Attorney's Office (Criminal) on the second floor and speak to Cathy Conlon. She is in charge of the community service program and she is the only one that can help you with community service. She's the only one able to access that computer database. They only enroll you certain hours of the day and certain days of the week so it's best to call and see if she is there before you make the trip. Your daughter will need to take her court order with her and fill out the required paperwork with Cathy and pay the $25 fee to enter the program. She will have a list of things she can do from washing police cars, helping special olympics, working in consignment stores, etc.

Sweet! Working with 9 out of 6 on the forums counts!


elaine said:
25 instead of the price of the ticket, number of hours depends on how fast you were going or what you did, they don't report to your insurance and no points on your tickets. HOWEVER, they do keep the incident on record for one year.

Charles County charges court costs plus a fine which usually equals the ticket cost. Then you have to pay $25 per day of service. Only good thing is no points.


We get community service people at the humane society in Calvert County. Generally they do the work on saturdays only and can be anything from paperwork to filling holes in the dog yards.