Compensation for Criminal Misdeeds


Beloved Misanthrope
What if in those situations where civil actions against a criminal can't reap any genuine restitution....

Perhaps they place a lien against the perpetrators valuable organs.

The perp can't pay up? Take a Liver, Lung, couple of Kidneys or Eyes, someone needs a new Heart or Pancreas.

Something valuable that can be sold to the medical establishment to generate cash to pay the victims.

Just a thought.


Just sneakin' around....
What if in those situations where civil actions against a criminal can't reap any genuine restitution....

Perhaps they place a lien against the perpetrators valuable organs.

The perp can't pay up? Take a Liver, Lung, couple of Kidneys or Eyes, someone needs a new Heart or Pancreas.

Something valuable that can be sold to the medical establishment to generate cash to pay the victims.

Just a thought.
From personal experience...
The guy that broke into my house was convicted, and was court-ordered to pay restitution to me and everyone else he stole from. I've been getting checks since 2014, one every couple of weeks, in amounts ranging from $1.25 to $28.00. I just laugh when I get one of these.


Smarter than the average bear
PREMO Member
From personal experience...
The guy that broke into my house was convicted, and was court-ordered to pay restitution to me and everyone else he stole from. I've been getting checks since 2014, one every couple of weeks, in amounts ranging from $1.25 to $28.00. I just laugh when I get one of these.
I wonder how much it cost in labor for a bank to process a check for $1.25.


Well-Known Member
From personal experience...
The guy that broke into my house was convicted, and was court-ordered to pay restitution to me and everyone else he stole from. I've been getting checks since 2014, one every couple of weeks, in amounts ranging from $1.25 to $28.00. I just laugh when I get one of these.
If it is a wage garnishment, you have to wonder how many people are getting checks from this idiot. If it is voluntary, you have to wonder who lets them get away with paying so little.
If it is deducted from a state check (unemployment, welfare, etc.) you have to wonder why they don't set a higher amount and let this idiot deal with living on the rest until people are paid off.