Complete and total government control



Originally posted by demsformd
Look, to say that the U.S. economy is completely controlled by the government is just a complete misconception. Yes, there are federal regulations that owners must deal within but we do not live in Red China or Communist Russia where all the economic planning was down centrally without private ownership.

Vrai, tell me how is Clinton completely to blame when Bush did nothing to stop 9/11 either? 9/11 occurred because of American complacency which both presidents displayed. Neither can be blamed. Only American complacency as well as Islamic fundamentalism can.

I agree with you on the first part. There have only been two cases in American history, when a monopoly company has been forced to divest. Two times in what, 237 years or so, isn't an indicator of government tyranny with businesses to me.

I sort of disagree with you on the second part. I think the blame for 9/11 really starts back with the last part of the Reagan administration, includes the Bush I administration, and ran all through the Clinton administration. When our leadership became more worried about looking mean in the press, and adopted the policy of collateral responses, we were sunk! Instead of threatening devastating responses to terrorists (just ask Quadaffi), the US began trading buildings for buildings. This made any terrorist group the equal of the US military, and that's what emboldenend them to think they could get away with anything.

I think that to try to blame Bush Jr. for the attacks is a bit like blaming a new building supervisor for not stopping an arsonist who was sneaking in a lighter to set off fuels and explosives that he had been bringing in for months before the supervisor got there. It's a pretty weak argument.