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mike44md said:
"Hootie and the Blowfish" at the St. Leonard Fire and Rescue. July 15,2007

I saw them in 96 at their prime in Daytona. Still recovering from the smell of pot up in the top rows. lol.


I wanna be a SMIB
jenbengen said:
I saw them in 96 at their prime in Daytona. Still recovering from the smell of pot up in the top rows. lol.

Practicing your deep breathing excercises that night, huh?
does anyone know what time this might start? I'm camping that day and need to make sure I'm back in town before he takes the stage. :yum:


Go Braves!
CableChick said:
does anyone know what time this might start? I'm camping that day and need to make sure I'm back in town before he takes the stage. :yum:
Did you call and scare my DH about the kid coverage for that weekend yet?:tap:


CableChick said:
does anyone know what time this might start? I'm camping that day and need to make sure I'm back in town before he takes the stage. :yum:

I am still working on those details, normally concerts at SLVFD start from 2-4 pm. I will post times and other information as we make them official. Keep checking and click on concerts for updates.


mike44md said:
I am still working on those details, normally concerts at SLVFD start from 2-4 pm. I will post times and other information as we make them official. Keep checking and click on concerts for updates.



Oh so you're in charge of some of this? I do remember helping you out quite a bit a couple months ago. :tap: :tap:


CableChick said:
Oh so you're in charge of some of this? I do remember helping you out quite a bit a couple months ago. :tap: :tap:

Good one CableChick, you scratch my back and all that..... :whistle:


New Member
Sounds like a party!

That's cool. Brings back some memories (like a case of bud and a bottle of jim beam) as Darius might sing, of course.

Sounds like you have the scoop on the details. Let us know when the tickets are going on sale. Hope it's not as hard to get tickets for this as it is at the Calvert Marine Museum. We were lucky to get tickets last year for the Allman Brothers, and hope to get tickets for the Doobie's in June.

Hey, by the way, see if you can't get Lynard Skynard in the near future.


CableChick said:
Oh so you're in charge of some of this? I do remember helping you out quite a bit a couple months ago. :tap: :tap:[/QUOTE

Yes you did help me out a couples months ago and yes I am "in the know" of these events which happen at SLVFD. Tickets sales and times of concert has not been decided as of yet. We are hoping to sell out the 5000 seats so the sooner we get the tickets available the better. If anyone out there has idea's for bands/concerts throw me a PM, we are always looking for ideas.


OldHillcrestGuy said:
Thanks :yay:

Heck you guys just got a $270,000 grant, I wont tell the Fed's if you use it to get bigtime entertainment. :lmao:

Do you know we have been on the list for 4 years..finally it came through...