Confront Muslims with these questions. Thx


New Member
13 Questions (feel free to add more) that I feel SOMD Muslims should answer. However, I feel that I'm only one person, and need more to make it heard in the SOMD community and beyond.

From worship references, points of contact are:

Masjid Abdul-Moghni Church
111 Howard Street
La Plata, MD 20646

Southern Maryland Islamic Center
Route 4
PO Box 3366
Prince Frederick, MD 20678

I couldn't find email points of contact. Anyways, feel free to ask these questions. The more people ask, the merrier. Discuss responses that you get. Call them again. Don't harass beyond limits of the law obviously, but don't back down from demanding coherent responses. Let this grow. Let them know not just you, the reader, but somd at large DEMANDS such answers, and will not back down.

Thank you for your time.

Spread this.

1. Does your institution have any relationship (financial or otherwise) with the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)? In light of continually exposed ties between CAIR leadership/money and extremist Muslim groups overseas, would you advise Muslims in America to be represented by CAIR and similar organizations?

2. It has been found that 70-80% of all mosques in the US are funded by Saudi money, and therefore preach Saudi hatred of non-Muslim peoples, customs, and governments. What have you done to combat the spread of Wahhabi (Saudi) Islamic extremism?

3. The hadith [collection of sayings] of Bukhari and Muslim [compilers/biographers in 7-9th century Arabia] are often taken to be reliable accounts of Mohammed's actions and words. Regardless of time, circumstance, custom, or any other mitigating factor, as a believing Muslim you must regard the sayings of Mohammed as somehow uniquely inspired or holy; much the same as Christians regard the words of Jesus in their importance. In light of many exhortations for CONTINUED, UNENDING, PERPETUAL hatred and war against non-Muslims in general, and Christians and Jews in particular, how do you justify acceptance of Mohammed's guidance while claiming to be generally compatible with Western (and other non-Islamic) civilizations?

4. In Arabic, there is often the phrase "First on Saturday, then on Sunday". What does it refer to, and is it popular throughout the Arab-Islamic world?

5. In the Israeli-Islam conflict, a proposed solution is Jerusalem split between Jewish control and that of a Palestinian state. Seeing as how Jerusalem (all of it) is to Judaism what Mecca is to Islam, would this proposal justify the splitting of Mecca between being a Muslim holy site and a non-Muslim entertainment center that observed none of the Islamic rules and regulations? Why/Why not?

6. Along the same lines of discussion, Muslims often talk of a compromise regarding Israel and Muslim Arabs with the 1967 borders between the two regions being reinstated. This would account for a significant decrease in land under Jewish sovereignty. Why was there no proposal for such a compromise prior to 1967, when the goal of Islamic Arabs was to destroy all of Israel? Has that goal changed?

7. As allies of Hitler's Germany in WW2, on what basis do Arab Muslims claim "innocent-victim" status upon loss of their land to sovereign Jews under instruction of Allied victors?

8. If Muslims in the US, and non-Muslim lands in general claim to be just as patriotic to their non-Muslim homelands as the rest of the citizenry, could the rest of the citizenry count on your support if a war against Islam, much as a war against Nazism and Communism, was declared?

9. If, in medieval Europe, Muslim civilization inspired the European Renaissance and Enlightenment that led to the "modern world", then why have Islamic cultures never participated in such intellectual movements? Moreso, on what basis is such a claim made considering that Renaissance and Enlightenment ideals focus on this life as opposed to after-death metaphysics? Likewise, said intellectual movements encourage such things as depicting the human form, capitalism & interest rates, and rejection of dogma and religious taboos (and according to some, religion in general). All of the above qualities are quite antithetical to Islamic theology, rules, and overriding mentality of "submission" and focusing on the "next life" more than on this one. What is your response regarding Islamic history in light of these facts?

10. Muslims invaded Byzantine and Persian empires in the early days because of their refusal to accept Islam by invitation. Seeing as how this was very early in the history of Islam, the chance for "misunderstanding" and "hijacking" the religion by its followers was slim. Do you approve of such aggression on the part of early Muslims on the basis that Byzantines and Persians rejected Islam by invitation?

11. In light of Mohammed's being a political as well as a spiritual leader, Islam must of necessity be a political as well as spiritual system. One that conflicts with Western (and most other) political systems on very basic principles. Seeing as how freedom of faith does not extend to freedom of political movements being "protected" or "respected" (see: political campaign mud-slinging) and in fact are often cause of wars, for example communism v. capitalism, on what basis is Islam to be respected as "just another religion" in non-Muslim countries?

12. Recently in Turkey (99% Muslim), there was a popular soap-opera called Noor. The primary appeal of the show to Islamic female audiences throughout the Mideast-Maghreb regions is the husband's egalitarian, respectful, and very stereotypically "Western nice-guy" treatment of his wife. While insanely popular, the show is universally condemned by Islamic religious leaders as "against the religion/god/prophet" and so on. How do you explain this in light of Islam's allegedly humane treatment of women when the character is depicted as very humane and affectionate and understanding to his spouse?

13. There are deserters of every faith who deride the absurdity of their former beliefs. However, it is only with ex-Muslims that there is a mission of warning other non-Muslims of the dangerously deceptive and evil nature of Islam. Going beyond logical contradictions and cultural baggage other ex-religionists find in their former creeds, ex-Muslims are very unique in their singularly harsh descriptions of Islam and their insistence of its evil and fallacies far beyond that of other religions. How do you explain this widespread and unique-to-Islam phenomenon?


13 Questions (feel free to add more) that I feel SOMD Muslims should answer. However, I feel that I'm only one person, and need more to make it heard in the SOMD community and beyond.

From worship references, points of contact are:

Masjid Abdul-Moghni Church
111 Howard Street
La Plata, MD 20646

Southern Maryland Islamic Center
Route 4
PO Box 3366
Prince Frederick, MD 20678

I couldn't find email points of contact. Anyways, feel free to ask these questions. The more people ask, the merrier. Discuss responses that you get. Call them again. Don't harass beyond limits of the law obviously, but don't back down from demanding coherent responses. Let this grow. Let them know not just you, the reader, but somd at large DEMANDS such answers, and will not back down.

Thank you for your time.

Spread this.

1. Does your institution have any relationship (financial or otherwise) with the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)? In light of continually exposed ties between CAIR leadership/money and extremist Muslim groups overseas, would you advise Muslims in America to be represented by CAIR and similar organizations?

2. It has been found that 70-80% of all mosques in the US are funded by Saudi money, and therefore preach Saudi hatred of non-Muslim peoples, customs, and governments. What have you done to combat the spread of Wahhabi (Saudi) Islamic extremism?

3. The hadith [collection of sayings] of Bukhari and Muslim [compilers/biographers in 7-9th century Arabia] are often taken to be reliable accounts of Mohammed's actions and words. Regardless of time, circumstance, custom, or any other mitigating factor, as a believing Muslim you must regard the sayings of Mohammed as somehow uniquely inspired or holy; much the same as Christians regard the words of Jesus in their importance. In light of many exhortations for CONTINUED, UNENDING, PERPETUAL hatred and war against non-Muslims in general, and Christians and Jews in particular, how do you justify acceptance of Mohammed's guidance while claiming to be generally compatible with Western (and other non-Islamic) civilizations?

4. In Arabic, there is often the phrase "First on Saturday, then on Sunday". What does it refer to, and is it popular throughout the Arab-Islamic world?

5. In the Israeli-Islam conflict, a proposed solution is Jerusalem split between Jewish control and that of a Palestinian state. Seeing as how Jerusalem (all of it) is to Judaism what Mecca is to Islam, would this proposal justify the splitting of Mecca between being a Muslim holy site and a non-Muslim entertainment center that observed none of the Islamic rules and regulations? Why/Why not?

6. Along the same lines of discussion, Muslims often talk of a compromise regarding Israel and Muslim Arabs with the 1967 borders between the two regions being reinstated. This would account for a significant decrease in land under Jewish sovereignty. Why was there no proposal for such a compromise prior to 1967, when the goal of Islamic Arabs was to destroy all of Israel? Has that goal changed?

7. As allies of Hitler's Germany in WW2, on what basis do Arab Muslims claim "innocent-victim" status upon loss of their land to sovereign Jews under instruction of Allied victors?

8. If Muslims in the US, and non-Muslim lands in general claim to be just as patriotic to their non-Muslim homelands as the rest of the citizenry, could the rest of the citizenry count on your support if a war against Islam, much as a war against Nazism and Communism, was declared?

9. If, in medieval Europe, Muslim civilization inspired the European Renaissance and Enlightenment that led to the "modern world", then why have Islamic cultures never participated in such intellectual movements? Moreso, on what basis is such a claim made considering that Renaissance and Enlightenment ideals focus on this life as opposed to after-death metaphysics? Likewise, said intellectual movements encourage such things as depicting the human form, capitalism & interest rates, and rejection of dogma and religious taboos (and according to some, religion in general). All of the above qualities are quite antithetical to Islamic theology, rules, and overriding mentality of "submission" and focusing on the "next life" more than on this one. What is your response regarding Islamic history in light of these facts?

10. Muslims invaded Byzantine and Persian empires in the early days because of their refusal to accept Islam by invitation. Seeing as how this was very early in the history of Islam, the chance for "misunderstanding" and "hijacking" the religion by its followers was slim. Do you approve of such aggression on the part of early Muslims on the basis that Byzantines and Persians rejected Islam by invitation?

11. In light of Mohammed's being a political as well as a spiritual leader, Islam must of necessity be a political as well as spiritual system. One that conflicts with Western (and most other) political systems on very basic principles. Seeing as how freedom of faith does not extend to freedom of political movements being "protected" or "respected" (see: political campaign mud-slinging) and in fact are often cause of wars, for example communism v. capitalism, on what basis is Islam to be respected as "just another religion" in non-Muslim countries?

12. Recently in Turkey (99% Muslim), there was a popular soap-opera called Noor. The primary appeal of the show to Islamic female audiences throughout the Mideast-Maghreb regions is the husband's egalitarian, respectful, and very stereotypically "Western nice-guy" treatment of his wife. While insanely popular, the show is universally condemned by Islamic religious leaders as "against the religion/god/prophet" and so on. How do you explain this in light of Islam's allegedly humane treatment of women when the character is depicted as very humane and affectionate and understanding to his spouse?

13. There are deserters of every faith who deride the absurdity of their former beliefs. However, it is only with ex-Muslims that there is a mission of warning other non-Muslims of the dangerously deceptive and evil nature of Islam. Going beyond logical contradictions and cultural baggage other ex-religionists find in their former creeds, ex-Muslims are very unique in their singularly harsh descriptions of Islam and their insistence of its evil and fallacies far beyond that of other religions. How do you explain this widespread and unique-to-Islam phenomenon?

Yeah, but 99% of Muslims are freindly, hardworking people who love the U.S. and would never have any bad feelings torward Americans and want to hurt us....:sarcasm:......At least that's what the brain dead liberals are saying.


They will never answer these questions clearly and honestly. Every response will be a mis-directed answer.


They're out to get us
What I love the most about the whole fight to steal Israeli land is that there has never been a country of Palestine...the part of Israel that the Palestinians are trying to take used to belong to the country of Jordan. If Jordan isn't fighting for what was THEIR land, then why is there an argument? The land was won in a war (where Israel was the country being attacked, no less), just as numerous US territories have been won due to war. How come we don't give all of those nations their land back? :shrug:

As for the one about religion w/ politics, it's no secret that plenty of Americans are trying to force their religious beliefs into politics and laws. Maybe the same question should be asked to them.


Habari Na Mijeldi
Please publish your name, address, phone number and email address so we can contact you and ask questions of you, you silly dolt! :killingme


New Member
Excellent questions. Sadly, many already know the truthful answers that should be given, but, alas, Islamic theology permits Muslims to deceive and lie in order to advance the cause of Islam. Unfortunately, many sincere and peaceful Westernized Muslims will be afraid to speak out or may not even be aware of the fundamental teachings of Islam that prohibit them from befriending Jews, Christians and all non-Muslims.

IOW: Don't expect any truthful answers from fundamental Islamic entities that are tied with Saudi Wahabbi teachings.



New Member
First, let me ask, do you understand these questions? They may appear benign, but they are certainly not.

They are biased toward a modern militant Israeli perspective and are directed at a minority of Muslims. A few could be compared to how Catholics are repeatedly tarred for purportedly not standing up the Nazis during the Holocaust. The implication is that Catholics allowed the Holocaust to happen, which is crap.

The question about Jerusalem is a dead giveaway. The Dome of the Rock is a religious site to Muslims. If Israelis wanted to just split Jerusalem, there might be some honest debate about it. The problem is they don't. The government keeps taking more and more land from Palestinians under security arrangements.

Palestinians have lived in Jerusalem for years. How would you feel about someone coming to your property and saying, "Hey, you know what: A couple thousand years ago, someone who may or may not be related to me owned this property. I don't have any documents to prove it besides this religious book that vaguely refers to the region. But, hey, who cares? You have to leave, because I own it now." I mean the Jews can't even agree if their history is the truth or a myth.

By the way, I'm not Muslim or Arab. I'm Caucasian and am a confirmed Catholic. I believe that Palestinians have just as much right to fight for their national sovereignty and independence as our Founding Fathers did. Any student of history knows the beginnings of our country involved what would constitute terrorism by today's water-downed standards -- tarrring and feathering British loyalists, murdering revolutionary sympathizers etc. And the Civil War was hardly civil, especially Sherman’s March to the Sea.

I'll provide some answers, but if you genuinely are interested in answers, call any Mosque and I am sure they would be happy to provide more thorough answers.

1. Does your institution have any relationship (financial or otherwise) with the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)? In light of continually exposed ties between CAIR leadership/money and extremist Muslim groups overseas, would you advise Muslims in America to be represented by CAIR and similar organizations?

If you believe anyone who claims all Palestinians are 'terrorists' or 'extremists' who support Palestinian independence, why even ask this question? CAIR addresses this issue on its web site if you are honestly interested.

2. It has been found that 70-80% of all mosques in the US are funded by Saudi money, and therefore preach Saudi hatred of non-Muslim peoples, customs, and governments. What have you done to combat the spread of Wahhabi (Saudi) Islamic extremism?

Are the majority of Mosques really funded by Saudis? Saudis are Sunnis. A quick look shows that over one-quarter of Muslims in the U.S. are Shia. Why would Saudis fund Shia Mosques?

This claim seems to originate with a Pastor Reza F. Safa, who is an Iranian that converted to Christianity. He just says it and then is quoted by WorldNetDaily and other questionable media.

The Saudis are definitely Wahhabis. So why do the Republicans and the Democrats kowtow to them and continue to support them militarily? Hell, even al Qaeda would like to get rid of the Saudi royal family. I can’t say I disagree with him on that count. And let's not forget that the CIA and U.S. military encouraged Wahhabism during the 1980s in Afghanistan -- anyone remember the Rambo movie?).

It’s just a weird question. You have to accept the claim in the beginning to answer the actual question. And why pose it this way: “it has been found”? Does this mean the person asking the question doesn’t even believe the claim?

It’s like asking a Christian that, since Baptists make up the majority of Christians in the world, and Eric Rudolph is a Baptist (remember: he blew up a bomb at the Olympics in Atlanta), what have you done to stop what Rudolph believes?

I’ve never planted a bomb anywhere, but I also have not done anything publicly to stop what Rudolph believes.

3. The hadith [collection of sayings] of Bukhari and Muslim [compilers/biographers in 7-9th century Arabia] are often taken to be reliable accounts of Mohammed's actions and words. Regardless of time, circumstance, custom, or any other mitigating factor, as a believing Muslim you must regard the sayings of Mohammed as somehow uniquely inspired or holy; much the same as Christians regard the words of Jesus in their importance. In light of many exhortations for CONTINUED, UNENDING, PERPETUAL hatred and war against non-Muslims in general, and Christians and Jews in particular, how do you justify acceptance of Mohammed's guidance while claiming to be generally compatible with Western (and other non-Islamic) civilizations?

I've seen this again and again. Parts of the Old Testament sanction killing, violence against women, child-killing etc. Have you ever read the Torah or the Talmud? They do, too. Christian extremists contend that it's OK to kill doctors who abort babies. Jewish extremists believe it's OK to kill non-Jews who occupy the holy land. Thank God the vast majority of Muslims, Christians and Jews do not accept these extreme views. Ask an American who is a Muslim to condemn the kinds of violence that goes on in Sudan or Afghanistan. I'm sure they will.

4. In Arabic, there is often the phrase "First on Saturday, then on Sunday". What does it refer to, and is it popular throughout the Arab-Islamic world?

I don't read Arabic. Do you? Is this implying there is some dark, sinister secret that 1.5 billion Muslims are in on?

Don't trust what someone else tells you. Transliterations and mistranslations can make for all sorts of errors. If you're genuinely interested in finding out what these statements mean, I would call the University of Maryland's Arabic Program to find out.

5. In the Israeli-Islam conflict, a proposed solution is Jerusalem split between Jewish control and that of a Palestinian state. Seeing as how Jerusalem (all of it) is to Judaism what Mecca is to Islam, would this proposal justify the splitting of Mecca between being a Muslim holy site and a non-Muslim entertainment center that observed none of the Islamic rules and regulations? Why/Why not?

See above. This is a loaded question, implying that splitting up Jerusalem is the accepted view by those who want peace and end to the violence. It is not.

6. Along the same lines of discussion, Muslims often talk of a compromise regarding Israel and Muslim Arabs with the 1967 borders between the two regions being reinstated. This would account for a significant decrease in land under Jewish sovereignty. Why was there no proposal for such a compromise prior to 1967, when the goal of Islamic Arabs was to destroy all of Israel? Has that goal changed?

That question makes no sense. How could two parties pre-emptively compromise before a country makes a claim on land it took during a war? Moreover, the history has been muddled here. Sure, Arabs fought together against Israel. I have read accounts that they were responding to the continued genocide of Palestinians. Israel won and seized land. Now, Israel is bothered by Palestinian fighters who launch missiles into Israel and fight back. Some Israelis have proposed trading land Israel took from Palestinians in the war for peace.

And what does Jewish sovereignty even mean? Why not Israeli sovereignty? Why Jewish? I’m genuinely interested in the questioner’s word choice here. Israel is the country with political boundaries. Jewish refers to the religion, which transcends borders. It’s something worth pondering.



New Member

7. As allies of Hitler's Germany in WW2, on what basis do Arab Muslims claim "innocent-victim" status upon loss of their land to sovereign Jews under instruction of Allied victors?

This question also makes no sense. During WWII, Arabs (some of whom were Christians) supported Germany because they hated the British. The implication here is that, because Arabs supported Germany, they also supported the Holocaust of Jews. It's a tremendous leap of logic that has no basis in historical accuracy. The thought pattern goes something like this: Arabs supported Germany. Germany stole Jewish property and murdered Jews. Therefore, Arabs supported the theft of Jewish property and the murder of Jews. So, how can Arabs claim innocent-victim status when it comes to Jews stealing their property when Arabs supported the extermination of Jews?

It's seems like a benign question, but it's not. It's pointed and is intended to imply that Arabs knew about and OKed the Holocaust, which is not accurate.

And, again, what is this notion of ""sovereign Jews"? What does that even mean? The definition of “sovereign” is: autonomous: (of political bodies) not controlled by outside forces; "an autonomous judiciary"; "a sovereign state." Is this questioner saying that Jews are a sovereign religion or entity? Judaism is a religion. It makes no sense.

8. If Muslims in the US, and non-Muslim lands in general claim to be just as patriotic to their non-Muslim homelands as the rest of the citizenry, could the rest of the citizenry count on your support if a war against Islam, much as a war against Nazism and Communism, was declared?

Why wage a war against Muslims across political boundaries? I still can't figure out why Americans give a crap about the Middle East? Let the Jews and the Muslims duke it out. If the Muslims win, they have to sell their oil somewhere. Who cares whether we get ripped off by Exxon, BP or some Arab company -- either way we regular folks will get screwed.

The Israelis have the third largest military in the world. Clearly, they can take care of themselves. And if they can't, too bad. Most American Jews don't even support this.

9. If, in medieval Europe, Muslim civilization inspired the European Renaissance and Enlightenment that led to the "modern world", then why have Islamic cultures never participated in such intellectual movements? Moreso, on what basis is such a claim made considering that Renaissance and Enlightenment ideals focus on this life as opposed to after-death metaphysics? Likewise, said intellectual movements encourage such things as depicting the human form, capitalism & interest rates, and rejection of dogma and religious taboos (and according to some, religion in general). All of the above qualities are quite antithetical to Islamic theology, rules, and overriding mentality of "submission" and focusing on the "next life" more than on this one. What is your response regarding Islamic history in light of these facts?

What does this even mean? It's schizophrenic. I really don't think I can work through it? I think the question is saying that Islam rejects the human form and capitalism and supports religious dogma and heaven, which the Renaissance and Enlightment encouraged and rejected. The Renaissance and Enlightenment “encouraged” capitalism? Huh? Are interest rates “qualities”? Do you understand it?

10. Muslims invaded Byzantine and Persian empires in the early days because of their refusal to accept Islam by invitation. Seeing as how this was very early in the history of Islam, the chance for "misunderstanding" and "hijacking" the religion by its followers was slim. Do you approve of such aggression on the part of early Muslims on the basis that Byzantines and Persians rejected Islam by invitation?

Everyone was invading everyone else at that time. Is this really relevant for a discussion about religion today? Do Christians support the sacking and pillaging of Constantinople? What about the child crusade?

11. In light of Mohammed's being a political as well as a spiritual leader, Islam must of necessity be a political as well as spiritual system. One that conflicts with Western (and most other) political systems on very basic principles. Seeing as how freedom of faith does not extend to freedom of political movements being "protected" or "respected" (see: political campaign mud-slinging) and in fact are often cause of wars, for example communism v. capitalism, on what basis is Islam to be respected as "just another religion" in non-Muslim countries?

I'm not sure what this question is asking? The grammar is terrible. Is it saying that there is no role for religion in politics? Or is it saying that the Muslim religions advocates violence and therefore should have no role in politics? Or is it asking why we should respect a person's choice of faith?

12. Recently in Turkey (99% Muslim), there was a popular soap-opera called Noor. The primary appeal of the show to Islamic female audiences throughout the Mideast-Maghreb regions is the husband's egalitarian, respectful, and very stereotypically "Western nice-guy" treatment of his wife. While insanely popular, the show is universally condemned by Islamic religious leaders as "against the religion/god/prophet" and so on. How do you explain this in light of Islam's allegedly humane treatment of women when the character is depicted as very humane and affectionate and understanding to his spouse?

I've never seen the show. I do know that it is silly to assume all Muslims believe women are second-class citizens who should have their vaginas mutilated. We circumcise penises here for no good reason other than most people like the way it looks. Maybe it may make sense in Africa for hygenic reasons. But it is purely cultural here.

13. There are deserters of every faith who deride the absurdity of their former beliefs. However, it is only with ex-Muslims that there is a mission of warning other non-Muslims of the dangerously deceptive and evil nature of Islam. Going beyond logical contradictions and cultural baggage other ex-religionists find in their former creeds, ex-Muslims are very unique in their singularly harsh descriptions of Islam and their insistence of its evil and fallacies far beyond that of other religions. How do you explain this widespread and unique-to-Islam phenomenon?

Examples, please. It's tough to talk specifics without examples of these ex-Muslims. I would say that ex-Christians are equally harsh, as are ex-Jews.

I hope my comments help. I suggest you do call mosques. Moreover, ask regular Muslims on the street. I think you'd be surprised at how responsive they can be. Also, call CAIR and talk to them there. They've gotten a bad rap because of fools like Stephen Emerson.


New Member
Chris, I commend your efforts to give Muslims the benefit of the doubt in the answers that you have provided. The truth is that many "Westernized Muslims" who would rather live in peace with everyone else are viewed as apostates by the "small group" of fundamental factions within Islam. Just like not all Americans are in the military, the same applies in Islam - not all Muslims take up the obligatory call of "Jihad" against non-Muslims. They leave it up to the small terror cells to militarily advance the cause of Islam while their part is to support their efforts in many ways.


Active Member
13 Questions (feel free to add more) that I feel SOMD Muslims should answer. However, I feel that I'm only one person, and need more to make it heard in the SOMD community and beyond.

From worship references, points of contact are:

Masjid Abdul-Moghni Church
111 Howard Street
La Plata, MD 20646

Southern Maryland Islamic Center
Route 4
PO Box 3366
Prince Frederick, MD 20678

I couldn't find email points of contact. Anyways, feel free to ask these questions. The more people ask, the merrier. Discuss responses that you get. Call them again. Don't harass beyond limits of the law obviously, but don't back down from demanding coherent responses. Let this grow. Let them know not just you, the reader, but somd at large DEMANDS such answers, and will not back down.

Thank you for your time.

Spread this.

1. Does your institution have any relationship (financial or otherwise) with the Council of American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)? In light of continually exposed ties between CAIR leadership/money and extremist Muslim groups overseas, would you advise Muslims in America to be represented by CAIR and similar organizations?

2. It has been found that 70-80% of all mosques in the US are funded by Saudi money, and therefore preach Saudi hatred of non-Muslim peoples, customs, and governments. What have you done to combat the spread of Wahhabi (Saudi) Islamic extremism?

3. The hadith [collection of sayings] of Bukhari and Muslim [compilers/biographers in 7-9th century Arabia] are often taken to be reliable accounts of Mohammed's actions and words. Regardless of time, circumstance, custom, or any other mitigating factor, as a believing Muslim you must regard the sayings of Mohammed as somehow uniquely inspired or holy; much the same as Christians regard the words of Jesus in their importance. In light of many exhortations for CONTINUED, UNENDING, PERPETUAL hatred and war against non-Muslims in general, and Christians and Jews in particular, how do you justify acceptance of Mohammed's guidance while claiming to be generally compatible with Western (and other non-Islamic) civilizations?

4. In Arabic, there is often the phrase "First on Saturday, then on Sunday". What does it refer to, and is it popular throughout the Arab-Islamic world?

5. In the Israeli-Islam conflict, a proposed solution is Jerusalem split between Jewish control and that of a Palestinian state. Seeing as how Jerusalem (all of it) is to Judaism what Mecca is to Islam, would this proposal justify the splitting of Mecca between being a Muslim holy site and a non-Muslim entertainment center that observed none of the Islamic rules and regulations? Why/Why not?

6. Along the same lines of discussion, Muslims often talk of a compromise regarding Israel and Muslim Arabs with the 1967 borders between the two regions being reinstated. This would account for a significant decrease in land under Jewish sovereignty. Why was there no proposal for such a compromise prior to 1967, when the goal of Islamic Arabs was to destroy all of Israel? Has that goal changed?

7. As allies of Hitler's Germany in WW2, on what basis do Arab Muslims claim "innocent-victim" status upon loss of their land to sovereign Jews under instruction of Allied victors?

8. If Muslims in the US, and non-Muslim lands in general claim to be just as patriotic to their non-Muslim homelands as the rest of the citizenry, could the rest of the citizenry count on your support if a war against Islam, much as a war against Nazism and Communism, was declared?

9. If, in medieval Europe, Muslim civilization inspired the European Renaissance and Enlightenment that led to the "modern world", then why have Islamic cultures never participated in such intellectual movements? Moreso, on what basis is such a claim made considering that Renaissance and Enlightenment ideals focus on this life as opposed to after-death metaphysics? Likewise, said intellectual movements encourage such things as depicting the human form, capitalism & interest rates, and rejection of dogma and religious taboos (and according to some, religion in general). All of the above qualities are quite antithetical to Islamic theology, rules, and overriding mentality of "submission" and focusing on the "next life" more than on this one. What is your response regarding Islamic history in light of these facts?

10. Muslims invaded Byzantine and Persian empires in the early days because of their refusal to accept Islam by invitation. Seeing as how this was very early in the history of Islam, the chance for "misunderstanding" and "hijacking" the religion by its followers was slim. Do you approve of such aggression on the part of early Muslims on the basis that Byzantines and Persians rejected Islam by invitation?

11. In light of Mohammed's being a political as well as a spiritual leader, Islam must of necessity be a political as well as spiritual system. One that conflicts with Western (and most other) political systems on very basic principles. Seeing as how freedom of faith does not extend to freedom of political movements being "protected" or "respected" (see: political campaign mud-slinging) and in fact are often cause of wars, for example communism v. capitalism, on what basis is Islam to be respected as "just another religion" in non-Muslim countries?

12. Recently in Turkey (99% Muslim), there was a popular soap-opera called Noor. The primary appeal of the show to Islamic female audiences throughout the Mideast-Maghreb regions is the husband's egalitarian, respectful, and very stereotypically "Western nice-guy" treatment of his wife. While insanely popular, the show is universally condemned by Islamic religious leaders as "against the religion/god/prophet" and so on. How do you explain this in light of Islam's allegedly humane treatment of women when the character is depicted as very humane and affectionate and understanding to his spouse?

13. There are deserters of every faith who deride the absurdity of their former beliefs. However, it is only with ex-Muslims that there is a mission of warning other non-Muslims of the dangerously deceptive and evil nature of Islam. Going beyond logical contradictions and cultural baggage other ex-religionists find in their former creeds, ex-Muslims are very unique in their singularly harsh descriptions of Islam and their insistence of its evil and fallacies far beyond that of other religions. How do you explain this widespread and unique-to-Islam phenomenon?[/QUO

try this mosque imam khalil will be very happy to answer all these questions.
Name: An-Nur Mosque Foundation
Street: 10012 Harford Road
Baltimore, md 21234-1207
Phone: (410) 663-9637
Also, try talking to the professor for islamic studies in Saint marys college. her name is Betul Basaran.
The mosque in Prince Frederick has a once a month interfaith discussion as soon as I find out more info i will post it so that you and anyone else interested can attend it.

To add to the responses from Chris p Question number 2. The mosques being funded by saudis. I wish you can show me proof. The people that donate to the mosques are the american muslims that reisde in this country. Perfect example, An-nur mosque had a fund raiser dinner in Baltimore and in that evening had collected half a million dollars by american citizens that reside all over Maryland. Majority of the people at this fundraiser were professionals ( lawyers, doctors, engineers, special agents, cops, computer engineers, business owners, biologists, nurses, etc) 70 % born and raised in this country of indian/pakistani dessent and the other 30% middle eastern and converts. I would love for you to attend a fund raiser next time they host one. I will pay for you.
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New Member
Chris, I commend your efforts to give Muslims the benefit of the doubt in the answers that you have provided. The truth is that many "Westernized Muslims" who would rather live in peace with everyone else are viewed as apostates by the "small group" of fundamental factions within Islam. Just like not all Americans are in the military, the same applies in Islam - not all Muslims take up the obligatory call of "Jihad" against non-Muslims. They leave it up to the small terror cells to militarily advance the cause of Islam while their part is to support their efforts in many ways.

I'm not sure what you are saying. Are you saying that all Muslims support violent revolution and a takeover of the West?

Incidentally, "jihad" just means "change" or "catharsis" not violent revolution.


New Member
I'm not sure what you are saying. Are you saying that all Muslims support violent revolution and a takeover of the West?

Incidentally, "jihad" just means "change" or "catharsis" not violent revolution.

All Fundamental Muslims support the replacement of secular governments with a theocratic Islamic system. Islam is not just a "religion" as it encompasses the complete social/political/religious lifestyle of every Muslim.

Representatives of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) have called for the replacement of the U.S. Constitution with Sharia' Laws and governance of the American citizenry by Qur'anic principles.

Granted, Westernized (Moderate) Muslims do not all support violent revolution but all true Fundamental Muslims throughout the world support total conversion of non-Muslims through any means possible including violent action as prescribed by the tenets found in the Qur'an and Ahadith (sayings of Muhammad. We see this going on right now through the likes of all Islamic terror groups who will never give up on their efforts to use violent actions against non-Islamic societies.

The Islamic ideology is not compatible with secular / Democratic societies and all Muslims are obligated by the Qur'an to bring this world under Islamic rule for the cause of Al'lah.

BTW: According to Islamic definition, Jihad means "struggle" and there are two Jihads that Muslims are to be engaged in:

1.The Greater Jihad: Struggle to live 100% by Qur'anic principles for the betterment of one's life and service and obedience to Al'lah and Al'lah's Messenger, Muhammad.

2.) The Lesser Jihad: Struggle through all means possible (including violence against non-Muslims) in a personal effort to spread the message of Islam throughout the world until all become subjected to Muslim rule.

The irony is that there are two major factions within Islam that are in their own struggle against each other for control of the Islamic world; the Sunni and Shi'a. Both are engaged in a power struggle and yet both have the same goal which is to annihilate the nation of Israel, exterminate Jews and Jewish culture and topple Western societies.



New Member
In your estimation, what percentage of Muslims is fundamentalist? What percentage is reformed?

Incidentally, Iraq's secular constitution was replaced with one based on sharia law following our liberation. How do you feel about that?


New Member
[snip] The irony is that there are two major factions within Islam that are in their own struggle against each other for control of the Islamic world; the Sunni and Shi'a. Both are engaged in a power struggle and yet both have the same goal which is to annihilate the nation of Israel, exterminate Jews and Jewish culture and topple Western societies.


Also, can you source that for me? Is there primary source information, i.e. the writings of non-fundamentalist Islamic leaders, who support that opinion?


They're out to get us
sorry chris_p, but are u crazy? Israel has the 3rd largest military in the world? The 3rd largest probably has more manpower than Israel has citizens. However, it is believed to be among the top 5 most powerful. There is a difference.

I like how you have such a fantastic argument as to let Israel and the rest of the Middle East "duke it out". Why don't you take a gun and singlehandedly fight 20,000 men with crowbars (who are jumping you from behind while your gun is in your pocket) and see who wins. That's moronic.
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Hebrews 9:23-28 - [Verse 27 in Original Greek]
23 Therefore it was necessary for the copies R333 of the things in the heavens to be cleansed with these, but the R334 heavenly things themselves with better sacrifices than these. 24 For Christ did R335 not enter a holy place made with hands, a {mere} copy of the R336 true one, but into heaven R337 itself, now to R338 appear in the presence of God for us; 25 nor was it that He would offer Himself often, as the R339 high priest enters the R340 holy place year R341 by year with blood that is not his own. 26 Otherwise, He would have needed to suffer often since the R342 foundation of the world; but now once R343 at the R344 consummation of the ages He has been manifested R345 to put away sin by F99 R346 the sacrifice of Himself. 27 And inasmuch as it R347 is appointed F100 for men to die once and after this {comes} R348 judgment, 28 so Christ also, having been offered R349 once to bear R350 the sins of many, will appear a R351 second time for salvation R352 without R353 {reference to} sin, to those who eagerly R354 await Him.


New Member
Now let's not go to personal attacks. Clearly I'm not crazy or a moron. If you post and expect people to offer contrary views, why call them names unless you can't offer any logical reasons yourself other than calling people a moron?

Israel's military is third? Fifth? It depends on who's doing the ranking.

Perhaps you can tell me why it the United States' responsibility to fight for Israel?

In my opinion, I don't believe in risking the lives of American soldiers, who signed up to defend the United States, not some other country, whether it is the Sudan or Israel. I wouldn't do it. So why should I advocate sending someone else to do it.

But this is off topic. The topic is about asking Muslims the above questions. I did my best to answer them, though I coulnd't really understand some of them. Others were so poorly written, I asked for clarification.


New Member
In your estimation, what percentage of Muslims is fundamentalist? What percentage is reformed?

The Sufi sect of Islam constitutes the nearest thing to being "reformed" in the sense of disagreeing with the violent actions againts non-Muslims as called for in the Qur'an and Ahadith (sayings of Muhammad). I'd say that Sufis woulod be the most peace-seeking but make up only approximately 3 to 5 percent of the Muslims. Sufis are considered heretics by the majority factions. Sunni Islam which follows violent Fundamental Wahhabi teachings makes up approximately 85% of Muslims and Shi'a Muslims make up about 10 percent of Muslims.

Incidentally, Iraq's secular constitution was replaced with one based on sharia law following our liberation. How do you feel about that?

Not good. Weeks before America's intervention that toppled Sadaam Hussein, I had posted an Internet article indicating that Iraq would never concede to becoming a "Democratic" nation due to the fact that Islam and Democracy do not mix. The so-called secular regime under Sadaam Hussein's Baath Party still followed Shari'a laws, believed in genocide against the Kurds, and held an upper-hand control over their Islamic counterpart - the Shi'a Muslims. America did not realize the intensity of what the outcome would be and for that some people even termed the intended liberation as "opening the gates of Hell."

Shari'a Laws became implemented when, in the "Democratic process," Shia Muslims, led by Muqtada al Sadhr voted in the hardline Shari'a governance and the governing council voted to establish an Islamic constitution rather than go for the western-style Democratic system.

Same as what happened when our government and military leaders prided themselves in offering the Palestinians a vote to change to a Democratic government. The result: HAMAS dominated the majority vote and instilled a harder line Islamic rule.

Unfortunately, our biggest military blunder was in failing to follow the basic principles of war: Know Thy Enemy.

Only recently have our military and government leaders admitted that they did not comprehend the scope of resistance from Iraqis. They honestly believed taht our troops would be loved and received like in the days of the WWII Liberation from Hitler's regime. Surprise!!!
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New Member
Also, can you source that for me? Is there primary source information, i.e. the writings of non-fundamentalist Islamic leaders, who support that opinion?

All Muslims, whether fundamental or moderate, are taught that Jews and Christians must be brought under subjection to Islamic rule. I'd suggest doing some keyword searches: HAMAS, PLO, Suffi, Shia, Sunni, Islamic Constitutions, etc.

A brief easy-to-read starting point for learning the basic teachings of Islam can be found at: Research