Congratulate or Ignore


New Member
3 months after the unexpected seperation....but here's one for the record book, a month after the "so called" miscarriage, which maybe was or maybe wasn't my grandchild....


morallyright said:
3 months after the unexpected seperation....but here's one for the record book, a month after the "so called" miscarriage, which maybe was or maybe wasn't my grandchild....

Miscarriages have been known to blow a relationship.........I know someone that was VERY distraught after she lost her baby at 16 weeks, it took her years to get over it, even after having kids.


New Member
So long as your son doesn't want to try and reconcile things, or if his daughter is not very attached to her.. Break it off in her butt about being a tart, tell her the babe is beautiful and move on with all of your lives...
I see no point in cluttering you life with her drama unless it's going to hurt your son or grand-daughter.


Then post his pic so we can see what might be back on the market?:yay:
( had to throw that in there:lol:)


Cleopatra Jones
morallyright said:
3 months after the unexpected seperation....but here's one for the record book, a month after the "so called" miscarriage, which maybe was or maybe wasn't my grandchild....

Unexpected seperation? Unexpected by whom, you or your son. There are also 3 sides to every story, yours, mine and the truth.


Eat More Beef, Less Chkn
kwillia said:
IMO, if your relationship is "cordial" then a "cordial acknowledgement" works fine. No reason to be snitty if she is still in your life even for brief appearances every now and then. If your son and her have issues, it's probably in your son's best interest that you let him deal with her and you stay out of it...:shrug:

IMO this is the best advice... besides...its best not to burn bridges you've never crossed. You may never know when you will ever have to cross one in the future. Its your son's live and choice to be with the DIL - let him handle the "issues" and you be the supportive parent - despite your reservations...that is the right thing to do....imo


morallyright said:
Here's the situation: Daughter in Law delivers newborn...(yes still married to son) however child is no you congratulate her? Ignore the birth totally? Ask why wasn't an announcement in the paper? What would you do?
Support your son. If he wants everyone to accept the new addition to the family, it's best to do so.


Im On 1.
Honestly I dont think I could say congratulations....more like good luck.

And i'd give my son one of these :smack: