Congresswoman Scuffles With Policeman


Dancing Up A Storm
It's entirely possible that she's using this issue to appeal to her base. She's dead wrong about it, but hey, that's how she thinks.


I bowl overhand
Penn said:
It's entirely possible that she's using this issue to appeal to her base. She's dead wrong about it, but hey, that's how she thinks.
She's from Georgia, not DC..

Her and Marion should run together on the democratic presidential ticket..


Glenn Beck is tearing apart her interview with Wolf Blitzer yesterday. She is totally out there. It is appauling. She should be arrested for being a psychotic, race baiting, elitist wench.


I bowl overhand
Pete said:
Glenn Beck is tearing apart her interview with Wolf Blitzer yesterday. She is totally out there. It is appauling. She should be arrested for being a psychotic, race baiting, elitist wench.
Didn't know Wolf Blitzer interviewed her, would have liked to have seen that.


itsbob said:
Didn't know Wolf Blitzer interviewed her, would have liked to have seen that.
Wolf didn't cut her any slack. Of course every question he asked she went on a several minute diatribe and didn't answer it. She sounded like a political Tourette's patient, blurting out totally irrelevant rants.

Wolf: Did you strike a policeman?

McKinney: Wolf did you know the requirement to be a congressional page at 16 is to know every member of congress by name and face? What is it to say about policeman who do not know me by face?

Wolf: Why didn't you just stop when he instructed you to do so?

McKinney: Some think it's butter but it's not!

Wolf: Here is a picture of you 3 weeks ago, here is a picture from a press conference yesterday, do you agree you look differently?


Wolf: Congresswoman McKinney, why do you think the Capital Police are racist if they would do the same thing to a white male congressman?



Absolutely stunning. The pussification of America is nearly complete when some huff and puff elitist can go on TV and spew forth such utter :bs: and not be called on it.

It is absolutely stupifying that someone can sit there with a straight face and listen to this TOTAL PIG OF A HUMAN BEING flanked by lawyers and loonbag actors without bursting into laughter. WHERE IS THE PRESS? WHERE IS THE DISGUST?

Her Blitzer interview on CNN sounds like it was 2 people sitting at a table facing each other yet ignoring each other, one making a speech, the other inserting random questions despite being ignored. When he pressed her for an answer she got her ass all up and acted insulted.

Her Royal Highness the Queen of Georgia US District 4 needs to be sent back home in shame and booted out.

WTF is Russ Fiengold with his censure bill? Where are the Republicans?


I am so very blessed
Pete said:
Absolutely stunning. The pussification of America is nearly complete when some huff and puff elitist can go on TV and spew forth such utter :bs: and not be called on it.

It is absolutely stupifying that someone can sit there with a straight face and listen to this TOTAL PIG OF A HUMAN BEING flanked by lawyers and loonbag actors without bursting into laughter. WHERE IS THE PRESS? WHERE IS THE DISGUST?

Her Blitzer interview on CNN sounds like it was 2 people sitting at a table facing each other yet ignoring each other, one making a speech, the other inserting random questions despite being ignored. When he pressed her for an answer she got her ass all up and acted insulted.

Her Royal Highness the Queen of Georgia US District 4 needs to be sent back home in shame and booted out.

WTF is Russ Fiengold with his censure bill? Where are the Republicans?
Aren't you from Georgia? :lol:


BadGirl said:
Aren't you from Georgia? :lol:
Originally yea, which makes it even worse. I just sent an email to the DC US Attorney urging him to seek capital punishment.


Well-Known Member
Oh My GOD!!!! I want to be Brian Wilson when I grow up! He absolutely DESTROYED both her and her a$$hole lawyer:

"I'm not talking to you. I'm asking the congresswoman."

"The invisible Democratic leadership."

Way to go Mr Wilson!!!!!


I bowl overhand
donbarzini said:
Oh My GOD!!!! I want to be Brian Wilson when I grow up! He absolutely DESTROYED both her and her a$$hole lawyer:

"I'm not talking to you. I'm asking the congresswoman."

"The invisible Democratic leadership."

Way to go Mr Wilson!!!!!
When? WHere? I want transcipts!!


Well-Known Member
itsbob said:
When? WHere? I want transcipts!!

It was just on Fox News Channel. I always thought he was a little lightweight.
But man Oh MAN!!!! The last two minutes of the interview was Wilson just lighting up the lawyer(on the phone), and McKinney staring into the camera with a sickly grin. I know she was thinking "Who the FORK thought it would be a good idea for me to go on Fox to explain myself. I think I'm gonna puke as soon as the red light goes off." God I hope they replay it.


Dancing Up A Storm
donbarzini said:
I have personally dealt with this biatch on more than one occasion. All I can say is I wish he had slammed her to the ground and cuffed her. All she has to do is wear the Gole Darn lapel pin! But that's beneath her dignity. "Every one on Capitol Hill should know who I am! I am somebody! Jesse told me so!"

After reading all the articles, watching the news coverage/stories about Ms McKinney, I see why you were so irate.

I hadn't followed her in politics before, although I had heard of her losing her seat in Congress in 2002(I think), but that is one ugly individual. Outside and inside.

What kind of constituents does this excuse for a human being have? Who would vote this person into office, knowing what we do now? UFB!



This is going to get HOT. Tom DeLay just called McKinney a racist who has been a long time racist and an anti semite. McKinneys lawyer called DeLay a "rich white boy" about 10 times.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has an article quoting Governor Purdue

McKinney has had a penchant for making headlines since her election to Congress in 1992. She accused President Bush of having prior knowledge of the Sept. 11 terror attacks and doing nothing to stop them. She has backed the Castro regime in Cuba. And after her 2002 loss to Denise Majette, her father, a former state lawmaker, blamed "J-E-W-S" for her loss.


Well-Known Member
Penn said:

What kind of constituents does this excuse for a human being have? Who would vote this person into office, knowing what we do now? UFB!
The kind that inhabits Ward 8 of Washington D.C. and they are spreading out.


Dancing Up A Storm
There is another thread, concerning this issue, and in there, on the last page is some info that really pissed me off about this dirtbag:

(Kudos to the poster)

Jihad Cindy strikes again
<HR style="COLOR: #d1d1e1" SIZE=1><!-- / icon and title --><!-- message -->An Interesting read, about this Race Baiting A$$HAT!

(all Underlines are Links )

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=6 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=alt2 style="BORDER-RIGHT: 1px inset; BORDER-TOP: 1px inset; BORDER-LEFT: 1px inset; BORDER-BOTTOM: 1px inset">By Debbie Schlussel

For those of us who've been following Democratic Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney (D-GA) a/k/a "Jihad Cindy" (not to be confused with Jihad Cindy #2, Cindy Sheehan), her assault on a Capitol Police officer (she punched him) is no surprise. Nor is her race-card playing. It's par for the course.

To revisit my 2001 column on Jihad Cindy:

McKinney has a strong record of hating America. During the recent U.N. World Conference Against Racism, she joined the Arab world . . . and Third World republics in attacking the U.S. While there (and overseas--the conference was in Africa), in pushing for slavery reparations, McKinney said the White House is "just full of latent racists."
Bill Clinton was in the White House then, FYI. </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>

This is NOT something new, like this is the only instance. She has a history of throwing out the race card, when it she thinks it suits her cause, whatever that is.

I sincerely hope they throw the proverbial "book" at her, and she gets to spend some time in the pen.(pardon the pun)

I said earlier, that some blacks like to use racism to remind us that it is still out there, as a means to scare and intimidate others, but with sorry folks like her - a US Congressperson - perpetuating it where it doesn't come into play - how in the hell will we ever get by it?


Football addict
Penn said:
Someone on here suggested a few weeks back, that we fire every last one of them, and start over with a whole new bunch.

That's sounding better and better all the time.
Go ahead, it's not so much them as the institution they've made over the decades. If you want to squash something, squash the institution and the mentality that goes with it. Then you 'might' be able to get true representation and not money hungry squabblers with agendas.


Football addict
Penn said:
What kind of constituents does this excuse for a human being have? Who would vote this person into office, knowing what we do now? UFB!
The uninformed. Scary.