Monday, December 5, 2022
Dr. J. Scott Smith, Superintendent of Schools, 301-475-5511, ext. 32178
Dr. Maureen Montgomery, Deputy Superintendent of Schools, 301-475-5511, ext. 32135
LEONARDTOWN, MD – On Thursday, December 8, 2022, there will be a Conscious Discipline Childcare Provider and Parent Workshop from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. at the St. Mary’s County Library, Leonardtown Branch, at 23630 Hayden Farm Lane in Leonardtown, Maryland 20650 (Meeting Room 1). Conscious Discipline Master Trainer, Amy Speidel, returns to St. Mary's County Public Schools (SMCPS) to present another helpful workshop for SMCPS Pre-Kindergarten families and childcare providers.
Participants will learn the brain science of Conscious Discipline and how it provides a foundation for safety, connection, and problem-solving. This adult-first, child-second concept of promoting self-regulation for students, children, and their siblings is based on over 20 years of research. There will be time to learn an I Love You ritual to share with your child(ren) and an opportunity to ask questions.
Limited childcare will be available for children ages 3+, so please RSVP for the 12/8/22 Parent Family Engagement Workshop. Please contact Ms. Lynn Trehern, Early Childhood Instructional Resource Teacher/Coach, at pltrehern@smcps.org if you have questions.