Conservative Voters Opinions of Bush/McCain

How do you view John McCain and George Bush?

  • I was/am a supporter of George W. Bush and I like John McCain.

    Votes: 11 39.3%
  • I was not a supporter of George Bush and I like John McCain.

    Votes: 3 10.7%
  • I was a supporter of George Bush and I do not like John McCain.

    Votes: 6 21.4%
  • I was not a supporter of a George Bush and I do not like John McCain.

    Votes: 5 17.9%
  • I will not be supporting McCain in the election at all. (i.e., Independent party write-in.)

    Votes: 3 10.7%

  • Total voters


New Member
...I was a supporter of W. Twice. He WILL, deservedly, go down as an all time worst president, supplanting Jimmy Carter in the modern era.

I never liked McCain and never will.

I am voting for Ron Paul because he is who I actually support. I can't rationally vote for a veep. The GOP will not move back to the right unless it if forced to. Actually, even then, it will only be to win an election.

W has destroyed conservatism. He used it and it will pay the price by being associated with him for a generation. Or longer.

except that i will probably vote Mccain or stay home, i can't see going out of my way to cast a vote that wont count (i know as a R in a D state its a waste of time anyway, BUT....)

Larry Gude

Strung Out

In my mind a true conservative wouldnt support McCain solely because he's not Obama, those doing it now were the ones deriding Kerry supporters for doing the exact same thing in 04. Now the shoes on the other foot and they've sold out.



In My Opinion
I supported Bush both times. I'm not jumping for joy over McCain and therefore, I am undecided at this point.
I am really afraid of the socialized health care at this point in the U.S history.

very expensive, will be run poorly and as I mentioned before, Affirmative action is going to make its way into the program and create headaches for all invloved.
Im not thrilled with the thought of billions to cure hunger,
billions to build up mexico
billions for africa

a whole bunch of billions going out, not to many have been mentioned for the U.S to recieve.


In My Opinion
We are in the throws of socializing the Financial System, under the watch of a Republican President (even though he attempted to address this in 03).

Now that McCain has softened his stance on it, Socialized Medicine is a drop in the bucket compared to the Bailout.

We're in agreement, but you'd be better off supporting Paul
we dont agree on the bailout.
well, not completely.
we do both agree that it should not be done. at least not like planned.

however, I look at the bailout in the same way I would look at the purchase of something that you really cant afford.
you pay and suffer for a number of years but eventually the debt is gone.
as long as wording is put in to not make this a given thing. After all, the bailout of chrysler did work. paid off in two years.

health care on the other hand is a bad idea that will be forever. a debt never paid.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
He paid...

Did Iacocoa really try to pay the government back but was told there wasnt a mechanism for it? I was to young when it happened but never knew if it was true or just an advertising ploy of Chrysler

...the government back ahead of schedule. I remember all the people then saying how bad a precedent this was.

Larry Gude

Strung Out
I'm sure...

no i know that, i was asking about him being told there wasnt a way for the Government to accept back his money

...some who didn't like the idea made the point that there was not a mechanism at that time for government to be handing out business loans and receiving back payments. I do not recall it being much of a notable part of the squabble or debate.