Considering relocating...


Hail to the Redskins!
What is there to do around southern maryland? I'm fresh out of college and already sick of commuting to Pax, but I have no idea what kind of social scene there is for someone in their 20's around here. From what I've seen it doesnt seem like much goes on around here. Am I wrong??

I'd like to move closer, but not if i'll be bored haha


I know nothing
Mrgaritavill said:
What is there to do around southern maryland? I'm fresh out of college and already sick of commuting to Pax, but I have no idea what kind of social scene there is for someone in their 20's around here. From what I've seen it doesnt seem like much goes on around here. Am I wrong??

I'd like to move closer, but not if i'll be bored haha

Move closer, buy a boat....


Me and a certain forumite take turns watching the grass grow and the car's quite enlightening. :getdown:


New Member
Mrgaritavill said:
What is there to do around southern maryland? I'm fresh out of college and already sick of commuting to Pax, but I have no idea what kind of social scene there is for someone in their 20's around here. From what I've seen it doesnt seem like much goes on around here. Am I wrong??

I'd like to move closer, but not if i'll be bored haha

Are you male or female? If your a male don't bother moving! If your female e-mail me pics of you naked and I'll get back to you.

There is a lot of local bars even if you do not drink to go to and see bands, dance and meet new people. Other than that not much besides bowling and movies...


Hail to the Redskins!
usagent said:
Are you male or female? If your a male don't bother moving! If your female e-mail me pics of you naked and I'll get back to you.

:killingme female....but dont count on the naked pics. you wouldnt be dissapointed though :razz:


Well-Known Member
Mrgaritavill said:
What is there to do around southern maryland? I'm fresh out of college and already sick of commuting to Pax, but I have no idea what kind of social scene there is for someone in their 20's around here. From what I've seen it doesnt seem like much goes on around here. Am I wrong??

I'd like to move closer, but not if i'll be bored haha

Roses Place is the hot spot to hang out.


Mrgaritavill said:
What is there to do around southern maryland?

Well, there's drinking just about every night of the week.

There's sex to be had if you can find it. (It's usually pretty easy to find during the weekend because there's a lot of people looking for it.)

A lot of us pass the time by complaining about the utter lack of things to do.

I think we have also a museum.

A couple libraries.

Fishin, crabbin', huntin'.

There's a race track.

There might be a couple parks.

Every so often, something new opens up, and people swarm the place to the extent that it's impossible to enjoy it... Think of when you drop a lollypop on a sidewalk, and come back out later to see all the ants on it. It's a lot like that.

And then there's internet.

Tons and tons of internet pr0n. That's bound to fill an evening or two.

Oh yeah! The new TV season is set to start in a couple weeks. Fun for all!! :yahoo:

Mrgaritavill said:
From what I've seen it doesnt seem like much goes on around here. Am I wrong??


You are not wrong.


Well-Known Member
Mrgaritavill said:
what is that? a bar?

It is only the best bar in the Tri County area. The best part is you can go there have a great time and not spend a lot of money.


Hail to the Redskins!
Toxick said:
Well, there's drinking just about every night of the week.

There's sex to be had if you can find it. (It's usually pretty easy to find during the weekend because there's a lot of people looking for it.)

loves it :cheers:


Where are my pants?
I would not recommend relocation to the Southern Maryland area if you are a young 20-something who enjoys the amenities, culture, and nightlife of the city.

This place is great if you're an outdoorsy type; especially into watersports/fishing....I've even heard it said on multiple occasions that it's a nice safe place to raise a family...

But take it from another young 20-something-----there is no social life to be had here. And it's a black hole...very hard to get out.

Suck it up and continue to commute.