Mrgaritavill said:
What is there to do around southern maryland?
Well, there's drinking just about every night of the week.
There's sex to be had if you can find it. (It's usually pretty easy to find during the weekend because there's a lot of people looking for it.)
A lot of us pass the time by complaining about the utter lack of things to do.
I think we have also a museum.
A couple libraries.
Fishin, crabbin', huntin'.
There's a race track.
There might be a couple parks.
Every so often, something new opens up, and people swarm the place to the extent that it's impossible to enjoy it... Think of when you drop a lollypop on a sidewalk, and come back out later to see all the ants on it. It's a lot like that.
And then there's internet.
Tons and tons of internet pr0n. That's bound to fill an evening or two.
Oh yeah! The new TV season is set to start in a couple weeks. Fun for all!!
Mrgaritavill said:
From what I've seen it doesnt seem like much goes on around here. Am I wrong??
You are not wrong.