Contaminated fuel @Sheetz


24/7 Single Dad
I think shell gas lasts longer as well...
I've never used Sheetz before. Thanks for the info! Don't think I'm going to now! :high5:

Shell Gas is the best. Wawa is mixed with:evil: more water and tends to burn up quickly.

Seems like the longer the gas sits in an underground tank, the more likely it is going to be contaminated. Stations with high volume would be less likely to have contaminated gas.

FYI: all gas tends to burn up quickly and won't mix with water. The alcohol in gasohol WILL absorb water.
The ONLY way to determine if one brand give you better mileage is to actually check the mileage.
Reset you trip odometer to 0.0 when you fill up
Fill up and divide the miles on the odometer by the gallons on your receipt.


I know nothing
I bought a tank of gas at SHEETZ (Great Mills Rd and Rte 5) earlier this month. My car almost immediately began to run rough. I took it to the mechanic and he tested the fuel... It was contaminated with water. Engines HATE water!!!

I called and talked to Sheets Corporate Office who sent me a form, told me to have the car repaired, and that they would reimburse me the repair costs. Actually, I had to have an ASE certified mechanic fill out the form, include that with the itemized repair bill and original gas receipt and then they would cut me a check.

I did as they asked and they denied my claim... Said that their product did not cause the failure... I disagree, and so do the service writer, mechanic, and service manager at the dealership.

Anyone else recently purchase contaminated fuel from Sheetz?

How can there be water in the gas station fuel tanks? Up until last week it hasnt rained here in over a month and a half.

I bet thats why they denied your claim
How can there be water in the gas station fuel tanks? Up until last week it hasnt rained here in over a month and a half.

I bet thats why they denied your claim

It's the guys that fill the tanks from the trucks. They have to stay by the hose when it's running and it's been a long trip from Baltimore so....


24/7 Single Dad
Speaking of gas... I noticed while buying gas at Wa-Wa, that their fuel now contains "Eythanol". I'm assuming it's only a small percentage and is in there to keep costs down? Anyone know the effects on vehicle performance?

Currently 10% alcohol is allowed in MD. The purpose of mixing the alcohol and gas is to provide the huge agricultural conglomerates with additional revenue that will be used to lobby congress. Alcohol provides a 30% loss in millage over gasoline. It absorbs water which prevents it from being transported via pipelines. Diverting corn from traditional food products causes the price of everything with corn or corn by products to increase in price.


I know nothing
Ive been filling up all our vehicles and boat at Wawa and sheetz for a long time. We have never run into a problem with the Gas.


Lem Putt
Currently 10% alcohol is allowed in MD. The purpose of mixing the alcohol and gas is to provide the huge agricultural conglomerates with additional revenue that will be used to lobby congress. Alcohol provides a 30% loss in millage over gasoline. It absorbs water which prevents it from being transported via pipelines. Diverting corn from traditional food products causes the price of everything with corn or corn by products to increase in price.
The pipeline issue is that it needs pipelines that are compatible with ethanol, which gasoline pipelines are not. Ethanol will dissolve the seals and/or corrode the pipes and pumps. Same problem with cars that are not E85 compatible. It's not that your car can't burn E85, it's keeping the E85 from ruining your fuel system.


Well-Known Member
Thanks guys!

I do remember a while back during the 70's gas shortages, they introduced Alcohol into the fuel, but it didn't stay on the market long. I figured if refiners added alcohol, they could reduce the amount of petroleum used and thus reducing the cost of production. That assumes of course, that producing fuel from grain is cheper than from petroleum?


Lem Putt
That assumes of course, that producing fuel from grain is cheper than from petroleum?
With current technology, ethanol production is not efficient. In order to get one gallon of ethanol, you have to burn almost one gallon to produce the heat needed for distillation. Very inefficient.

Ethanol is a tree-hugger feel good solution that does absolutely nothing to solve the perceived problem. Increased corn production will also drastically increase pollution in our rivers and bays. Great tradeoff, huh? :ohwell:

Ken King

A little rusty but not crusty
PREMO Member
With current technology, ethanol production is not efficient. In order to get one gallon of ethanol, you have to burn almost one gallon to produce the heat needed for distillation. Very inefficient.

Ethanol is a tree-hugger feel good solution that does absolutely nothing to solve the perceived problem. Increased corn production will also drastically increase pollution in our rivers and bays. Great tradeoff, huh? :ohwell:
I thought the technology was catching up in leaps and bounds and efficiency was climbing but the largest obstacle in the US was with the crop of choice - corn. Brazil is doing amazingly well with sugar cane, but US sugar companies are fighting any changes that would step into their domain.


Lem Putt
I thought the technology was catching up in leaps and bounds and efficiency was climbing but the largest obstacle in the US was with the crop of choice - corn. Brazil is doing amazingly well with sugar cane, but US sugar companies are fighting any changes that would step into their domain.
Yes, technology is improving, sugar cane is far more efficient, and US sugar companies are trying to get rich.

I have no doubt that ethanol can be part of the solution to our energy problems, but it is not the panacea that the tree huggers believe it is. Unfortunately, they are being fed information from the sugar industry, who has one huge driving force - $$$$$.


24/7 Single Dad
I thought the technology was catching up in leaps and bounds and efficiency was climbing but the largest obstacle in the US was with the crop of choice - corn. Brazil is doing amazingly well with sugar cane, but US sugar companies are fighting any changes that would step into their domain.

The corn boys get a $0.50 a gallon subsidy and the Brazilian sugar cane booze gets a $0.50 a gallon tariff


Active Member
With the modern filtration systems on todays gas pumps it nearly impossable to get any significant water into your tank. The pumps use a filter with a water soluble(sp) membrane that will disolve and close a check valve the instant any significant water hits it. This will in turn shut down the pump.

The state of maryland also regularly tests fuel samples at all stations, And believe me the woman that does this area is tough !! If there was water she will find it.

Sheetz, WaWA and the like also buy " plain" gasoline. By this I mean ALL gasoline comes out of the same pipe at the terminal, then the respective companies mix it with their "special" additives and store a certain amount. This is how thay can sell for less.
They also buy overstock and fuel that is near the end of it's shelf-life. So when you are getting gas at these places you really never know what you are getting. This lack of additives is what causes most performance related issues.

In most cases this is not a problem but sometimes the fuel does'nt agree with the car.
Cars are like people, Some run better on different fuels. It pays to try others to find what your car likes.


Well-Known Member
This whole thing sounds like Sonny Burch (burch oil) has a new mpd. His name is Lee and instead of competing, he is trying to scare his profits up.
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BS Gal

Voted Nicest in 08
I have two places I can get gas on my bike that don't require a u-turn. One is the Wawa on Great Mills, the other is Burch on 235 in Hollywood. I've got to get this u-turn thing down.